Sunday, February 16, 2025
Update: YouTube and Spotify Playlsts
Hi Everyone!
I added 3 new Youtube playlists to my playlist page:
* The Midnight Special
* Yiddish Songs - Male
* Yiddish Songs - Female
The first addition is a selection of English songs that were
performed live on the Midnight Special back in the 70s.
Wolfman Jack hosted the show from 1973 to 1981.
The two Yiddish groups include known oldie songs.
As a start, I included many songs performed by Theodore Bikel
and on the the female list the Barry sisters.
I do not know Yiddish, so I welcome song recommendations
that are on Youtube and are sharable.
I noticed on Youtube, that there are several "flirtatious"
female groups that are working on jazzing up Yidish oldies.
Nice idea but I think several have gone overboard.
I will pass on them and any Yiddish songs that I consider
stepping out of bounds. Yes, this will be problematic
because I do not know the language. I will need to review
suggestions with friends.
As many of you may have noticed, over the past several months,v Youtube has been pushing way too many ads at visitors. I use
their free service and the ads are not that bad when playing a
ready made playlist. As the saying goes, "no free lunches".
I continue to update the podcasts list at:
There are 84 podcasts that you can listen to at home, office or
on the move.
Besides Youtube, I have 42 playlists on Spotify at:
I also use their free service, Audio ads pop after several songs.
The new playlists include:
* Y-Studs
* Kippalive
* Six13
* The Maccabeats
* Kids Hebrew Short Stories
* Yiddish - Male Vocals
* Yiddish - Female Vocals
On Youtube, I watch various podcasts, live news, and high-tech videos.
For music, I usually listen to my mp3 collection on my phone.
Over the years, I extracted the music files from my CDs to mp3 files
and loaded many onto my phone. I no longer use the CDs.
Using the free VLC Android phone app, I created my own personal playlists.
I also have a Windows version of VLC on my computer, which I use to
play music and videos.
I am not connected or affliated to the VLC development group
but I highly recommend this free, open source program.
Enjoy the music and please share. Thank you!.
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Have a good week!
Shavua Tov!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:51 PM
Labels: English, Hebrew, songs, Spotify Playlists, Yiddish, Youtube Playlsist
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Sunset over Jerusalem + JR Updates
Hi Everyone!
Today, February 13, I took a cool photo of sunset over Jerusalem.
I took the photograph from a playground in Ma'ale Adumim.
I posted the photo at:
This month I added many images to the the Shabbat Shalom image page at:
Depending on your Internet connection, it may take 15-60 seconds
to load all 575 images
Clever Humor additions:
* Shoe Repair
* Free Snow Shoveling Class Tomorrow
* Why I Do Not Dust
* Fast Food
Funny Wildlife Photos
Funny Snowmen
Additions to The Snoopy Page at:
Please share. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:14 AM
Labels: humor files, Jerusalem
Sunday, February 9, 2025
English - Hebrew Computers / Communications Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Do you know the Hebrew words for:
artificial intelligence, backup, bandwidth, communications, compression,
computer, connection, content, data, default, documentation, email,
file, folder, keyboard, mouse, password, printer, router,
scanner, social network?
Start learning 200 computers/communications related words at:
Please share. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Have a good week!
Shavua Tov!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:13 PM
Labels: communications, computers, Hebrew vocabulary, Ivrit, vocabulary
Monday, February 3, 2025
New Israeli Stamps and Educational and Fun Resources for Tu B'Shvat
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps that
will be issued in February 2025.
Under each stamp is a link to a Hebrew / English PDF file
with information about the stamp.
The National Library of Israel
* Reading Hall
* Special Collections Reading Hall
* Central staircase
* Ravshatzim and Standby Teams
- The Local Shield of the State of Israel
Embroidery in Eretz Israel
* Bedouin Embroidery
* Ethiopian Embroidery
The Textile Industry in the Land of Israel
* Printed Fabric, 1936–1938
PTP - Palestine Textile Prints
* Industrial Knitwear
Eld Knitting Factory, 1960s
* Molidor Fabric, 1975, "Rikma"
* 100 Years Since the Technion
Opened its Doors to its First Group of Students
* Blossoming in the South
(ATM Machine Label)
Please share. Thank You!
Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, falls on the 15th of the
Hebrew month of Shvat, February 13 this year - 5785/ 2025.
This Jewish mini-holiday is of major importance to our
appreciation of nature and our relationship to it.
It is customary to plant trees and partake of the fruits of
the land of Israel to mark the occasion.
Many people in Israel and all over the world will participate in
eating fruits at a Tu B'shvat Seder.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz: Tu B'Shvat
Which fruit is used to make wine ?
When did Kabbalists originate the Tu B'shvat Seder ?
How many glasses of wine are drunk at the Tu B'Shvat seder ?
What branch of a tree did the dove bring back after the flood ?
How many days does the Hebrew month of Shvat have ?
What is associated with both Chanukah and Tu B'Shvat ?
In Israel, what happens to trees starting on the 15th of Shvat ?
Since 1901, how many trees has the Jewish National Fund
planted in Israel ?
According to the Torah, which fruits did the spies bring to the
children of Israel in the wilderness ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
Learn Hebrew Words - Tu B'Shvat
Tu B'Shvat Hebrew words and terms
with English transliterations and translations
My English Hebrew Dictionary - Tu B'Shvat Vocabulary Study Sheets
101 Tu B'Shvat related words
Free Tu B'Shvat Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Tu B'Shvat
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes.
Tu B'Shvat Photo Gallery
76 Tu B'Shvat Videos
To learn more about Tu B'Shvat, I posted on my website
86 links about Tu B'Shvat, ranging from Tu B'Shvat Seders and
customs to graphics and recipes and songs. Site languages include
English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French,
Portuguese and German.
The web address is:
Please share. Thank You!
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forcesv and all of Am Yisrael.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:47 AM
Labels: "Tu B'shvat", Doar, Hebrew, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, Tu B'Shavta vocabulary
Thursday, January 30, 2025
New: Learn Hebrew Words - Tu B'Shvat
Hi Everyone!
I added many new topics to the Learn Hebrew Words pages at:
The Tu B'Shvat page has 102 words and terms
with English transliterations and translations
The Learn Hebrew Words pages are unique from other dictionary
pages I created in the past. Each topic is one long page and formatted
for easy viewing and scrolling on computers, tablets or cell phones.
My other sites presented the text in graphic format. This site
uses text characters. The Hebrew with nikud and English text
can be copied and pasted into other applications like word processors,
email, Whatsapp, etc...
Note: These pages are not formatted for printing.
If you want to print formatted study sheets you can visit:
My English Hebrew Dictionary at:
Below are the current subjects of Learn Hebrew Words:
Jewish Calendar
Rosh Hashana
Tu B'Shvat
Lag Ba'Omer
Best Wishes
Food: Beverages
Food: Cooking and Baking - 190 words/terms
Food: Fruit
Food: Label - nutrional info
Food: Meatv Food: Nuts
Food: Spices
Food: Vegetables
Renting an Apartment
Jewish Proverbs and Sayings
Israeli Sayings
Hebrew Riddles
Hebrew Tongue Twisters
I plan to add several new subjects soon.
Feedback is welcome!
Please share. Thank You!
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom! Jacob
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:45 AM
Labels: Hebrew, Tu B'Shavta vocabulary
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Educational Resources for International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27.
On my website, there are 170+ links to learn about the Holocaust.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German,
Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Since I created the page in 1997, I have been updating it
at least 2 times a year: before International Holocaust
Remembrance Day - January 27 and before
Yom HaShoah - this year on April 24, 2025.
If a site is no longer online, I try to find an archive copy of
the site in
Over 21 years ago, in September 2003, IAF jets flew over Auschwitz
to commemorate holocaust victims. Images and a video of the
event are posted at:
Please share this message. Thank you.
We must not forget.
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:56 AM
Labels: Holocaust educational resources, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Large JR Update
Hi Everyone!
Here are recent updates to my site.
New Hebrew song page:
Kama Tov Shebata Habayta
How Good is it That You Came Home
I translated to English an interesting article about
a large IDF project in the Negev:
The New Intelligence Center
by Elyashiv Raichner
I added five new playlists to my Youtube page:
New JR Links:
Parsha pages
- Chabad: The Complete Tanach with Rashi - Hebrew and English
- United Hatzalah: Masters of Emergency
- Chana Studley: The Mind Body Institute
- Monday Motivation with Lesley Kaplan
Technology Podcasts
- Popular Science: The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week
- Sheva Brachot
Jewish Food
- Buzzfeed: Americans Try Israeli Snacks
- Buzzfeed: Americans Try Israeli Food For The First Time
- Israeli Supermarket Tour
- Their First Ever Taste of Israeli Snacks!
Youtube Jewish Educational Channels - "Midrash on every Parsha: 6-8 minutes video summaries" v - Living Lchaim
- Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
- Video Tzevet - Hebrew
A;iyah Oriented Sites
- Ministry of Aliyah and Integration: The First Days in Israel
- VAT and Import Deposit Fee Calculator
- Driver's Ed Practice Questions & Road Signs
- iHerb Coupon Finder
Tips and Advice: Videos about Aliyah to Israel
- NBN Youtube Webinars
- Olim Advisors Youtube Webinars
- Jerusalem Unplugged podcast about Olim for Olim
- Tamar Meisels: Groceries in Israel
- Tamar Meisels: Israel, personal development, family tips and cooking.
Israel Emergency Pages
- JR Backup Tutorial
- Your Google Drive Phone & Whatsapp Backups
- Google Takeout: Export your Google Data
- Backup your phone contacts
Youtube Technology Channels
- Wonder Documentaries
- The Impossible Build - Mega Projects, Innovation, Construction
- Progress - Tech Science Documentaries
- UltiumTech
- Free Documentary - Engineering
- Morning Brew
- Interesting Engineering
- Bloomberg Originals
- Billion Dollar Builds
Lost in Translation
Hebrew to English funny translation mistakes
119 - Pull
118 - Entry of Animals is Prohibited
Happy Chanukah from the Mossad
Jewish Cartoons from around the Net
- First Time at a Bat Mitzvah
- Advice from a Matzo Ball
- The Challigator!
- What is your Pickle Personality?
Old Tech Humor
- Just for the Record
- Texting in the '80s
- You Might Be Old If...
Clever Humor
- Quotes of Steven Wright
- Library Humor
- Boo-Boo
- Fitness Protection Program
- Funny English Contradictions
v Enjoy!
Please share. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for and support Israel.
May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.
Stay Safe and Warm.
Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:31 AM
Labels: humor, links, Youtube Playlists