Hi Everyone!
The Chanukah miracles happened here in Israel and the
reminders are everywhere.
I created a new "Only in Israel" page which displays
30 Israeli Chanukah logos and posters.
If you live outside of Israel, you may not have a sense on
how Jewish holidays are celebrated and honored in our
Jewish homeland. This will give you a small insight.
Please share. Thank you.
Chanukah Sameach and Shabbat Shalom,
Jacob Richman
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Israeli Chanukah Logos and Posters
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:55 PM
Labels: chanukah, Hanukkah, Israeli Chanukkah Logos
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
887 Chanukah Videos including 51 new ones for 5780 - 2019
Hi Everyone!
The Chanukah video list is growing every day.
The list has 887 videos including 51 new ones for 5780 / 2019.
The new videos include:
* Six13 - A Star Wars Chanukah
* Ari Goldwag - Chanukah: For The Light
* The Maccabeats - Pan Fry - Bad Guy and Old Town Road parody
* Dreidel Blue featuring David Ross from Shir Soul
* Kippalive: Kippa Families - Al Ha'Nissim
* HaOr HaYomi: The Ancient Chanukiyah that Lit a Heart - Hebrew
* Reuven Garber - Maoz Tzur - Hebrew
* My Jewish Mommy Life: 10 Facts about Hanukkah!
* My Jewish Mommy Life: Hanukkah Hacks!!!
* Jewlicious: Israeli Donuts Hanukkah Taste Test
* David Manes: Chanukah Medly - instrumental
* Lemon & Rosemary Olive Oil Sufganiyot
* Celebrating Hanukkah in Jerusalem with Sufganiyot Donuts
* Chanukah is Here - Jacob Spike Kraus
* Hanukkah Reception at the White House
* Hanukkah songs for kids with DoReMi - Hebrew
* Vegan Potato Latkes
* Nofiki Makes Sweet Dreidels - kids show, Hebrew
* How to light Chanukkah Candles? - Hebrew
* Israel Sosna & Band - Hanukkah Medley 2019 - Hebrew
* Historical Text Proof that Chanukah Happened - Hebrew
* Israel Nick Junior: Creative Chanukah Special - kids show, Hebrew
* OFJCC - "The Gambler" - Hanukkah-Style
* Disney Junior: Happy Hanukkah from Bingo and Rolly!
* How to Make a Little Dreidel Out of Clay
* Swingin around the Menorah by Jazz Band
* Hop Israel: Muli and Tzuni Make Livivot - kids show, Hebrew
* Chanukah Rock N Roll - Coed, Hebrew
* Ma'oz Tzur for 4 Flutes
* How to Draw a Sevivon
* Toronto Symphony Orchestra at Union Station - Sevivon
* Rabbi B - Sevivon Sov Sov Sov
* Al Hanisim - Mazel Tones - coed
* The Story Snipper: The Enchanted Dreidel
* The Story Snipper: Goodnight, Granny Savta
* Maoz Tsur - Hebrew with Portuguese subtitles
* A Chanukah Celebration ...David Bobrowitz by Symphonic Winds
* Shmueli Ungar: The Dreidel Song - Yiddish
* Everyday Jewish Mom: Hanukkah Product Fails
* Erica Terry DIY: Cauliflower Latkes
* The Secret of the Dreidel - Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair
* How to Play Dreidel / Hanukkah Dreidel Game Instructions
* UnderDos: Sufganiyot Collision - Hebrew comedy
* Sweet & Good Catering - Easy, no mess Doughnuts for Chanukah
* Jewish Education at Home: Dreidels and the Power of Children
* Sufganiyot Eshel Tivoneat
* "Shtai Sufganiot" - Hebrew kids song with animation
* Disney Junior: Elena of Avalor - Elena's First Hanukkah!
* VHS Concert Band - A Celebration of Hanukkah
* Tova Ben Zvi - Oy Chanukeh Oy Chanukeh - in Yiddish
* New Orleans JCC: Dreidel 101
If you see a new good video that is not on the list,
please let me know.
Additional Chanukah resources at:
Many new Chanukah humor pages at:
Please share. Thank you!
Chag Chanukah Sameach!
Happy Chanukah!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:24 PM
Labels: chanuka Youtube videos, chanukah videos, hanukkah videos
Monday, December 9, 2019
Updated: Learn English with Jokes and Riddles - over 400 jokes and riddles
Hi Everyone!
Reading English jokes and riddles is a fun way
to learn English culture, grammar and vocabulary.
Learn English with Jokes and Riddles
has over 400 jokes and riddles.
All jokes and riddles are suitable for all ages.
Below are sample riddles I added this week:
361. If you have me, you want to share me.
If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?
363. I am heavy forwards and not backwards. What am I?
364. I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
368. Do rabbits use combs?
370. What kind of tea do the king and queen drink?
373. Why did Snoopy quit the comic strip?
376. What is good on a roll but bad on a road?
378. Where can you buy a ruler that's three feet long?
381. What word has three double letters in a row?
382. Why do bakers make good baseball pitchers?
383. What kind of train has no wheels?
387. What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?
390. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
391. I can speak all the languages of the world. What am I?
392. Why did the pony have a sore throat?
396. What does Sir Galahad turn on when he gets scared at night?
400. I start out tall, but the longer I stands, the shorter I grow. What am I?
410. What type of house weighs the least?
411. Why did the policeman stay in bed?
The answers at:
Feedback is welcome!
Please share this free, fun, educational resource.
Thank you.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:42 PM
Labels: EFL, English riddles, ESl, esl riddles, learn English, learn english with jokes and riddles
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Educational resources about Chanukah and over 800 Chanukah videos
Hi Everyone!
Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is observed for
eight days, beginning on the evening of the 25th day of
the Hebrew month of Kislev. This year Chanukah starts
Sunday night, December 22, 2019.
Chanukah is a wonderful holiday of renewed dedication,
faith, hope and spiritual light. It's a holiday that says:
"Never lose hope." Chanukah commemorates the victory of a
small band of Maccabees over the pagan Syrian-Greeks who
ruled over Israel.
The Chanukah Page includes lesson sites in several languages,
videos, songs, Chanukah trivia quiz, English Hebrew vocabulary lists,
recipes, games, humor, photos, clipart, coloring pages and
a map of the sites of the Maccabees 166-161 BCE.
The address is:
The Chanukah Video Page has links to over 800
cool Chanukah videos:
The video page will be updated as we get closer to Chanukah.
Suggestions for new video additions are welcome.
Please share these holiday resources. Thank You!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:47 PM
Labels: chanukah, Hanukkah, hanukkah videos
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Updated: The Shabbat Page
Hi Everyone!
I did an update of the Shabbat Page at:
The Shabbat Page includes:
- English Sites about Shabbat
- Hebrew Sites about Shabbat
- Other Language Shabbat sites
- Shabbat Candle Lighting Times
- The Weekly Torah Portion in English - 25 links
- The Weekly Torah Portion in Hebrew - 13 links
- Find a Spot for Shabbat
- Recipes for Shabbat Dishes
- Challah Photos
- Shabbat Clip Art
- Shabbat Graphics / Posters from around the Net
- Coloring Pages about Shabbat
- Shabbat Multi-Lingual Word Search Game
- The Jewish Trivia Quiz - Topic: Shabbat
- English - Hebrew Shabbat Vocabulary Study Sheets
- 85 YouTube Videos about Shabbat
- Shabbat Songs and Prayers - mp3's and lyrics
- 175 Shabbat Songs on Spotify
Please share. Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:32 PM
Labels: Shabbas, Shabbat, Shabbat Clipart, Shabbat Coloring Pages, Shabbat Songs, Shabbat Videos
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Rummikub and TAKI
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps for November 2019:
Israeli Board Games
- Rummikub
- Ethnic Festivals in Israel - The Sigd Festival
- Muglevi - Cowardly Heart
- Kishta - Go Away
- Sanani - Hater
- Weizmann Institute of Science 70th Anniversary
The new stamp images are posted at:
In a Facebook album at:
On Instagram at:
Please share. Thank You!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:53 PM
Labels: Hebrew, Israel, Israel educational stamps, philatelic, Philately, Postage stamps, Rummikub, Taki
Monday, November 4, 2019
New Tutorial: How to Backup your WhatsApp Files
Hi Everyone!
I created a tutorial about WhatsApp backups.
You can view it at:
Feedback is welcome.
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:50 PM
Labels: backup tutorial, whatsapp, Whatsapp Backups, Whatsapp Backups Tutorial
US astronaut snaps space pics of Israel, salutes late father
Hi Everyone!
US Astronaut Jessica Meir posted pictures of Israel snapped from space with a caption saying the country was part of her father's journey.
"My father's globe spanning journey as a surgeon from the Middle East, to Europe, and eventually to the U.S. was an inspiration to many in my immediate and extended family. #TheJourney,” Meir wrote.
I posted the photos at:
Please share. Thank you!
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:59 AM
Labels: Israel, Israel from space, NASA Space photos of Israel
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Noach Page
Hi Everyone!
I updated the Noach Page which has links to children parsha pages, commentary pages, English-Hebrew "animals" vocabulary, songs, humor items, and a section on Noach stamps, graphics and clipart. The page also includes Noach word search game pages in three languages.
The address is:
In addition to the main Noach page, I have a humor section with a collection of Noach Cartoons from around the net:
Enjoy and please share the pages. Thank you!
Shavua Tov!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:39 PM
Labels: Noach, Noach humor, noah, Parshat Noach
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Photos of Chol HaMoed Sukkot in Jerusalem
Hi Everyone!
Today, Wednesday October 16 - Chol HaMoed Sukkot, I went to Jerusalem to enjoy the chag and to take photos.
I started with the Jerusalem Light Rail Sukkah at Ammunition Hill and then I went to the large Sukkah at
City Hall in Kikar Safra. I continued my walk to the "World Taste Festival" that is taking place along the outside wall of the old city.
From there I walked through Mamila Mall and then to Yaffo Street. At Kikar Tzion I walked up Ben Yehuda Street and I enjoyed the free entertainment on each block. It was really nice. Kol Hakavod to the mayor and city staff for an enjoyable day.
I posted the photos at:
I also copied the photos to a Facebook album at:
Please share. Thank You!
Moadim L'Simcha,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:34 PM
Labels: Israel, Jerusalem, Sukkot, Yerushalayim
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Sukkot Update including Rules of the Sukkah - Dr. Seuss Style
Hi Everyone!
Here is the Sukkot update:
Rules of the Sukkah - Dr. Seuss Style
English Hebrew Sukkot Vocabulary
Sukkot Decorations - Posters of Spiritual Leaders
Rami Levy Supermarket
New: Sukkot Songs on Spotify
Sukkot Videos:
Educational Resources for Sukkot
Please Share. Thank You!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:18 AM
Labels: Sukkot, Sukkot English Hebrew Vocabulary, sukkot humor, Sukkot playlist on Spotify, Sukkot videos
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
790 Rosh Hashana Videos including 51 new ones for 5780
Hi Everyone!
The Rosh Hashana video list now has 790 Rosh Hashana Videos including 51 new ones for 5780.
Additional videos will be added before Rosh Hashana.
Please share this holiday resource. Thank you!
Have a Good Year!
Shana Tova!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:55 AM
Labels: Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana Videos, Rosh hashanah Vidoes, shana tova
Monday, September 9, 2019
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Festivals 2019 – Honey Flowers
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps for September 2019:
Festivals 2019 - Honey Flowers
- Wildflower Honey
- Citrus Honey
- Eucalyptus Honey
- Ethnic Festivals in Israel - The Sehrane Festival
- Fighting Breast Cancer
Autumn Flowers
- Pancratium sickenbergeri
- Sternbergia clusiana
- Muscari parviflorum
- Israel–Vatican Joint Issue
25 Years of Bilateral Relations
Fighter Jets in the Israeli Air Force
- F-151 Strike Eagle
- F-35I Lightning II
The new stamp images are posted at:
In a Facebook album at:
On Instagram at:
Please share. Thank You!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:07 PM
Labels: educational stamps, honey, Israel, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, Rosh Hashana
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Learn Hebrew Sign #456: While your mobile phone is charging...
Hi Everyone.
Last week, I visited the Shaare Zedek emergency room waiting area and I used their new mobile charging station. Very useful for everyone
there. You can see a photo of it at:
Learn Hebrew Signs 456:
"While your mobile phone is charging, we continue to be concerned for your health."
Not related, but I think funny, is a new Lost in Translation sign #83
Drop-off and Pick-up Students
Please share. Thank you!
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:05 PM
Labels: Hebrew, Hebrew Signs, Learn Hebrew, Shaare Zedek
Thursday, August 29, 2019
My Aliyah Anniversary - 35 Years in Israel
Hi Everyone!
Tomorrow is my aliyah anniversary.
35 years ago, I made aliyah from Brooklyn to Israel.
It was the best decision of my life. I highly recommend it!
Five years ago, I made an aliyah anniversary video and posted it at:
I also uploaded a copy of the video to Facebook at:
Please share the video. Thank you!
May the aliyah from all over the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:51 PM
Labels: aliyah, aliyah anniversary, aliyah anniversary video, Home, Israel, Zionism
Monday, August 26, 2019
3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar: 5780-5782 / 2019-2022
Hi Everyone!
I created a new, three year, Jewish holiday calendar card which I posted on my website for you to view, download or print.
The address is:
There are two image sizes and an Acrobat PDF file.
For best printed results use the Acrobat PDF file.
When printing the PDF file use the print option "fit to print margins".
Please share. Thank you.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:44 PM
Labels: Hebrew calendar, Hebrew Calendar 5780 - 2018, Jewish calendar, Jewish Calendar 5780 - 2019, לוח שנה
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Welcome Home to the New Olim and photos
Hi Everyone!
Congratulations and welcome home to the 242 new olim that
made aliyah to Israel from North America. The NBN aliyah charter
flight arrived in Israel this morning, Wednesday - August 14.
I took 256 photos of this historic and exciting event and
I posted them online at:
I also uploaded the photos to Facebook for name tagging.
The Facebook album address is:
If you have a Facebook account and you are in the photos or
you see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.
Please share the photos with friends. Thank you!
May the aliyah from all over the world grow and bring
more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a great day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:03 PM
Labels: aliyah, Ben-Gurion Airport, Israel, moving to Israel, nbn, Olim, Zionism
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
The Holocaust Survivor's Birthday Request
Hi Everyone!
This is great!
The Holocaust Survivor's Birthday Request
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:30 PM
Labels: Holocaust, Holocaust survivor, Israel, kotel
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Educational Resources about Tisha B'Av
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar because
of the incredible series of tragedies which occurred on that
date throughout Jewish History.
Tisha B'Av means "the ninth of the Hebrew month of Av".
Tisha B'Av primarily commemorates the destruction of the first
and second Temples, both of which were destroyed on the ninth
of Av - the first by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E.; the second
by the Romans in 70 C.E.
Although this day is primarily meant to commemorate the
destruction of the Temple, it is appropriate to consider on
this day the many other tragedies of the Jewish people, many
of which occurred on this day, most notably the expulsion of
the Jews from Spain in 1492.
This year 5779 - 2019, we observe the fast day of Tisha B'Av
starting from Saturday after nightfall, August 10,
until nightfall on Sunday, August 11.
You can learn more about this Jewish fast day at:
May we see the rebuilding of the Temple in our days and that
Tisha B'Av becomes a day of celebration.
If you are fasting:
Have a meaningful fast.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:41 PM
Labels: 9th of Av, fast day, Jerusalem, Jewish fast day, Tisha B'Av
Monday, July 29, 2019
New: The Mezuzah
Hi Everyone!
The Israel Defense Ministry released a video of the preparation and successful launch of the Israeli
Arrow 3 Missile. In the video there is a short clip of the Israeli Ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, affixing a
Mezuzah to the entrance of the test facility of the Israeli Arrow 3 Missile.
Kal Hakavod on the missile launch and the Mezuzah.
I created a page with the video and other links about the mezuzah at:
I also posted the video on Facebook at:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
8:27 AM
Labels: Affixing the mezuzah, Ambassador Ron Dermer, Arrow 3, Israel, Mezuzah
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Photos of Shuk Machane Yehuda in Jerusalem
Hi Everyone!
Today, I went to Shuk Machane Yehuda in Jerusalem and
took 287 photos of the famous market place.
I posted the photos online at:
I also uploaded them to a Facebook album at:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:56 PM
Labels: Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Photos, shuk machane yehuda, Yerushalayim
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Updated and Free: Jewish Stories including over 70 audio files
Hi Everyone!
I updated the Jewish stories hotsites page:
The English stories range from Hassidic tales
to English translated Yiddish stories.
Today, I added two new sections:
Israel stories and Holocaust stories
The audio section has over 70 stories written by well known
writers like Sholom Aleichem, I. L. Peretz, and S. Y. Agnon.
Many of the stories from Eastern Europe and beyond were
recorded, in English, as a co-production of the National Yiddish
Book Center and radio station KCRW Santa Monica.
The stories were read by famous actors and actresses like
Alan Alda, Harold Gould, Jeff Goldblum, David Margulies,
Jerry Stiller, Julie Kavner, Joanna Gleason, Alan King,
Lauren Bacall, Walter Matthau and others.
Feedback and additions are welcome.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:07 PM
Labels: Audio Stories, Jewish Stories
Thursday, July 11, 2019
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Ketubah souvenir sheet
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps issued July 2019:
- Ketubah Souvenir Sheet
Cycling in Israel
- Mountain Biking in Israel
- Road Cycling
- Urban Cycling
Tourism in Israel
- Migrating with Birds, Hula Valley
- Pure Desert Magic, Makhtesh Ramon
- Immersing in History, Jordan River
- Ariel Sharon Park
Environmental Nuisance to National Resource
Fighter Jets in the Israeli Air Force
- F-4E Phantom II
- F-16A Fighting Falcon
The new stamp images are posted at:
In a Facebook album at:
Please share. Thank You!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:32 PM
Labels: biking, educational stamps, Israel, Israel Tourism, Israeli fighter jets, Israeli Stamps, Jewish, Ketubah
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
3d Topographic Map of Israel
Hi Everyone!
Today, I created a page with a 3d topographic map of Israel and a video that explains the topography.
The address:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:29 PM
Labels: map of israel, topographic map of israel
Monday, July 8, 2019
New: Tefilat Haderech - Traveller's Prayer in Hebrew and English
Hi Everyone!
I created a new page with "Tefilat Haderech" - prayer for a safe journey
The page has Hebrew with Nikud, an English transliteration and translation, and related links and videos.
The address is:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
8:57 AM
Labels: Hebrew and English prayers, Hebrew prayer, Hebrew with Nikud, Tefilat Haderech, Traveller, Traveller's prayer, videos
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Happy Birthday America - 4th of July Videos
13 videos in honor of the United States of America Independence Day
Happy 4th of July!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:20 PM
Labels: 4th of July videos, Happy Birthday America, Happy July 4, videos
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Video and photos of the International Light Festival around the Old City of Jerusalem
Hi Everyone!
Last night, I went to the International Festival of Light exhibition around the Old City of Jerusalem.
There are 32 exhibits and I saw 16 of them during my 90 minute visit.
My 13 minute video and photos will give you a good overview of the festival which runs till July 4.
It is open from 8pm to 11pm Sunday to Thursday and Motza'ei Shabbat from 9pm to midnight.
It is free and worth going to.
I posted the video and a link to the photos at:
Please share, Thank You!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:53 PM
Labels: Jerusalem Festival of Light
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Updated: Ma'ale Adumim Links
Hi Everyone!
Today, I did a large update of the Ma'ale Adumim links page.
The links include general links, business links, Facebook groups and fan pages, photo galleries and videos.
The page is in English with Hebrew translations.
Additional link suggestions are welcome.
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:38 PM
Labels: business directory, Facebook groups, links, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'ale Adumim Facebook pages, news
Thursday, June 13, 2019
My playlist of 168 Shabbat Songs on Spotify
Hi Everyone!
Here is my playlist of 168 Shabbat Songs on Spotify
Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
8:48 PM
Labels: Shabbat Shalom, Shabbat Songs, Shabbat Zemirot, Spotify playlist, Zmirot
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Photos of the Jerusalem Flag March and Shavuot Educational Resources
Hi Everyone!
Jerusalem Day was on Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 28th of Iyar, 5779.
There was a huge flag march in Jerusalem. The march started on King George Street, went through Sha'ar Shechem
of the old city and then to the Kotel. I took photos of the march / holiday celebration and posted them at:
Saturday night, June 8, is Shavuot and I updated the Shavuot educational resources at:
Enjoy and please share the Jerusalem photos and Shavuot resources.
Thank you!
Chag Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:38 PM
Labels: Jerusalem Day, Jerusalem Flag March, Shavuot, Yom Yerushalayim
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Educational Resources for Shavuot
Hi Everyone!
Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah, the first harvest, and the ripening of the first fruits.
The two day festival - 1 day in Israel - begins on Saturday night, June 8, 2019.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has a selection of multiple choice questions about Shavuot.
What are the five names of Shavuot ?
On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments ?
How many letters are there in the Torah ?
In the days of the Temple what did people do on Shavuot ?
Who married Ruth ?
Who was Ruth the great-grandmother of ?
What is the connection between the number 7 and Shavuot ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings.
Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
Free Shavuot Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Shavuot
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes.
English Hebrew Shavuot vocabulary study sheets.
Learn Hebrew words related to Shavuot:
My Jewish Games - Shavuot Games in Flash
- The Multilingual Word Search Game
- My Jewish Coloring Book
Cool Shavuot Videos
The Shavuot Photo Gallery
Shavuot Photo Gallery on Facebook:
This year, I created a Spotify Shavuot Songs playlist at:
Additional playlists at:
To learn more about Shavuot, I posted on
my website 50 links, ranging from laws and
customs to games and recipes.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian,
Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.
The address is:
Please share the holiday resources. Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:14 PM
Labels: Jewish, Jewish Holiday, Shavuot, Shavuot educational resources, Shavuot Videos
Monday, May 27, 2019
Large Update: The Shabbat Page
Hi Everyone!
I did a large update of the Shabbat Page at:
The updated page includes:
- English Sites about Shabbat
- Hebrew Sites about Shabbat
- Other Language Shabbat sites
- Shabbat Candle Lighting Times
- The Weekly Torah Portion in English - 24 links
- The Weekly Torah Portion in Hebrew - 13 links
- Find a Spot for Shabbat
- Recipes for Shabbat Dishes
- Challah Photos
- Shabbat Clip Art
- Shabbat Graphics / Posters from around the Net
- Coloring Pages about Shabbat
- Shabbat Multi-Lingual Word Search Game
- The Jewish Trivia Quiz - Topic: Shabbat
- English - Hebrew Shabbat Vocabulary Study Sheets
- Over 75 YouTube Videos about Shabbat
- Shabbat Songs and Prayers - mp3's and lyrics
- Over 130 Shabbat Songs on Spotify
Please share. Thank you.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:12 PM
Labels: Shabbat, Shabbat Resources, Shabbat Songs, Shabbat Videos, The Shabbat Page
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Educational Resources for Jerusalem Day - June 2, 2019
Hi Everyone!
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on the 28th of the Hebrew month of Iyar. This year, 5779 / 2019, the day falls on Sunday, June 2.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has over 100 multiple choice questions about Jerusalem.
Who built the first temple ?
How many people were involved in constructing the first temple ?
What are the colors of the Jerusalem Beitar soccer team ?
Which animal is on the emblem of the Municipality of Jerusalem ?
What three Jewish holidays is Jerusalem the focal point ?
How long ago was Jerusalem established ?
On what mountain was King David buried ?
How high is Jerusalem above sea level ?
What is the name of the famous art school in Jerusalem ?
What is the length of the wall surrounding the old city ?
When was Hebrew University established ?
Which group defended Jerusalem in 1948 ?
How many open gates does the old city of Jerusalem have ?
What is the name of the largest shopping mall in Jerusalem ?
Who was the first mayor of Jerusalem ?
What was Jerusalem called in the days of Abraham our patriarch ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings.
Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz
entertaining and educational.
English Hebrew Jerusalem vocabulary study sheets.
Learn Hebrew words related to Jerusalem.
Youtube videos about Jerusalem
Jerusalem Photo Gallery - over 7,000 photos
I posted of Jerusalem events
108 Youtube videos about Jerusalem
56 songs about Jerusalem on Spotify
To learn more about Jerusalem, I posted on my website 230 links,
ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps.
The address is:
Shavuot is just around the corner and I updated the Shavuot hotsites at:
Please share the resources. Thank you!
Happy Jerusalem Day!
Yom Yerushalayim Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:55 PM
Labels: capital of Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Educational Resources for Lag Ba'Omer
Hi Everyone!
The Jewish festival "Lag Ba'Omer" is Thursday, May 23, 2019. If you are flying over Israel on Wednesday night, May 22, and you look down out of your plane, you will see thousands of bonfires dotting the landscape as far as the eye can see. There are various customs and explanations for these celebrations.
I posted on my website 42 links to learn about "Lag Ba'Omer".
The address is:
English Hebrew Lag Ba'omer vocabulary sheets at:
I also created a new Spotify song playlist at:
Enjoy the bonfires!
I am currently updating the links for Yom Yerushalayim,
Jerusalem Day, which is celebrated this year on June 2, 2019.
Educational resources:
Videos about Jerusalem:
Jerusalem Photo Gallery:
English Hebrew Jerusalem Vocabulary:
I am also updating the Shavuot hotsites at:
Please share the links. Thank You!
Have a good week!
Shavua Tov!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:15 AM
Labels: Lag B'Omer, Lag Ba'omer
Monday, May 6, 2019
Educational Resources and Cool Videos for Israel Independence Day
Hi Everyone!
Israel Independence Day is celebrated this year
on Thursday, May 9, 2019.
All the resources and links below are located online at:
The Jewish Trivia Quiz - topic: Israel
What is the national emblem of Israel ?
"Pehsek Zeman" and "Egozi" are what type of Israeli foods ?
Who was the first president of Israel ?
What was the 1917 British Balfour Declaration ?
What is Israel's Internet country code ?
What was "Operation Babylon" ?
Who were the first two countries to recognize Israel ?
What are Amos and Offeq ?
How many languages are engraved on Israeli coins used today ?
The above questions are examples from over 200 multiple-choice questions about Israel. There are two levels of questions,
two timer settings. Both kids and adults will find it entertaining and educational.
English Hebrew Israel vocabulary study sheets.
Learn Hebrew words related to Israel Independence Day.
Free Israel Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Israel event
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three
different sizes.
Prayers for the welfare of the State of Israel and
for members of the IDF.
I included the Hebrew prayers with nikud and English translations.
Israel Videos on YouTube
There are now over 550 videos about Israel on the site.
There is something for everyone.
Additional new videos will be added this week.
Israeli and Hebrew songs.
Jacob Richman's Spotify Hebrew Songs Playlist
60 Popular Hebrew Songs on Youtube
The "Hatikvah" Page
includes 15 unique videos of Hatikva
New: The "Hava Nagila" Page
Hebrew lyrics and English translation
13 unique "Hava Nagila" videos including:
- Danny Kaye & Harry Belafonte sing "Hava Nagila" in 1965
- Bob Dylan accompanies son-in-law Peter Himmelman and
Harry Dean Stanton on Telethon
- Gad Elbaz
- The Barry Sisters
- Taly Kuper sings "Hava Nagila" on Russian talent show
Over 100 Videos of "Adon Olam"
The page includes lyrics in Hebrew with Nikud
and an English translation.
Over 100 melodies to this well know prayer / song.
Last but not least, I posted on my website 140 links
about Israel, ranging from history and tourism to
photographs and stamps.
The address is:
Please forward this message. Thank You!
Happy Israel Independence Day!
Yom Ha'Atzmaut Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:29 AM
Labels: Hebrew, Israel, Israel Independence Day, Jewish Holiday, videos, yom ha'atzmaut
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Hava Nagila
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps that were
issued May 1, 2019:
- Hava Nagila
- Memorial Day 2019
Printed Press In Eretz Israel
- Davar
- Haaretz
- Doar Hayom
Endangered Mammals in Israel
- Rueppell's Fox - Vulpes rueppellii
- Forest Doormouse - Dryomys nitedula
- Long-eared Hedgehog - Hemiechinus auritus
The new stamp images are posted at:
In a Facebook album at:
Selected images on Instagram at:
After posting the "Hava Nagila" stamp, I decided to create a separate
page about the song. The page includes the lyrics in Hebrew and English
and 13 unique Hava Nagila videos.
Please share the two pages. Thank You!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:10 PM
Labels: Hava Nagila, Israel, philatelic, Philately, stamps
Monday, April 29, 2019
Educational Resources for Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day - Thursday, May 2, 2019
Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, is Thursday, May 2, 2019.
I posted on my website 170 links to learn about the Holocaust.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, Arabic, French, German,
Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
All links have been reviewed and verified this week.
The website address is:
Please forward this message.
Thank you.
We must not forget.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:54 PM
Labels: Holocaust, Holocaust educational resources, Yom Hashoa Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Short English and Hebrew videos on how Beresheet will be landing on the moon Thursday night Israel time
Short English and Hebrew videos on how Beresheet will be landing on the moon Thursday night Israel time
The live video from the control center will start Thursday April 11 at 9:30pm Israel Time.
Super Cool !!!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:29 PM
Labels: #Israeltothemoon, #SpaceIL, Beresheet, Israel, Israeltothemoon
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Educational Resources for Passover
Hi Everyone!
Passover is a Jewish holiday, of Biblical origin, marking the
birth of the Jews as a people and their emergence as a unique
nation in history, devoted to G-d's will. It celebrates the
liberation of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt
over 3000 years ago, under the leadership of Moses.
This year, Passover begins on Friday night, April 19, 2019
The Jewish Trivia Quiz - Passover Trivia
In which Hebrew month is Passover celebrated ?
Why do we eat matzah during Passover ?
How old was Moshe's mother when she gave birth to Moshe ?
How long did the Jews' exile in Egypt last ?
Where did the Jews live in Egypt ?
How many days did the plague of blood last ?
What happened to Pharoh's daughter, Batiya, when the
Jewish people left Egypt ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
My English Hebrew Dictionary - Passover Vocabulary
Free Passover Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Passover
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes.
Cool Passover Videos
Over 560 Cool Passover video links.
There is something for everyone.
Additional videos will be added as we get closer to Passover
The Passover Humor Files
Over 130 Passover humor files ranging from funny jokes and
stories to song parodies. You may want to print several of
them before Passover and distribute copies to your family and
guests between the seder meal courses. Both kids and adults
will find them entertaining and even educational.
Passover Photo Gallery
To learn more about Passover, I posted on my website
120 site links, ranging from from laws and customs to games and
recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian,
Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian.
All 120 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The address is:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends,
so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:01 PM
Labels: Hagadah, Haggadah, Passover, passover clipart, Passover coloring pages, Passover Humor, Passover videos, Pesach, Pesach videos
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Large Hotsites Update including Passover, Writing, Literature, Women, Zoo Cameras, Humor, Animals, Science, Kids Science, etc..
Hi Everyone!
I continue to review and update many sections of my hotsites directory which I started over 22 years ago.
The following sections include many changes and additions:
Passover Hotsites
Writing Resources
Online Literature Resources
Resources about Women
Live Cameras including Zoo feeds
Humor including your favorite comic strips
Education - Animals / Insects
Education - Science includes biology, chemistry,
inventors and inventions, physics, science magazines
additional topics will be added
Kids - Animals
Kids - Science including great flash educational sites
Kids Free Coloring Pages - online and offline
and Advanced / Adult Coloring Pages
Coloring can be very therapeutic for adults
Learn Hebrew
added Hebrew crossword puzzles
Additional sites / suggestions are welcome!
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:11 PM
Labels: coloring pages, hotsites, literature, Passover, Science, women resources, writing resources
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Over 400 Purim Videos including 48 new ones for 5779 - 2019
Hi Everyone!
There are over 400 Purim videos posted at:
The list includes 48 new videos for Purim 5779 - 2019:
- Purim Medley - with Droremi (Hebrew songs)
- Purim at the US Embassy in Jerusalem (humor)
- Avraham Fried performs for Soldiers for Purim
- Purim Medley 2019 - Israel Sosna & Band
- Purim - New York Boys Choir - Hipil Pur
- Breslev: Megillat Esther as never told before!
- A Purim Message from the White House (humor)
- Purim Medley - Micha Gamerman (SHATZ Remix)
- Purim Medley - with Orian Terry (Hebrew songs)
- Purim Lecha Dodi Degalim
- Short Kids Stories for Purim (Hebrew)
- Lev Cafe #1: Purim Unmasked
- Purim and the Secret to Happiness
- Happy Purim: Brothers In A Barbershop
- Rabbi Shlomo Riskin on Purim (Parshat Vayikra, Zachor)
- Rabbanit Sally Mayer "Why do we read the Megilla twice on Purim?"
- The Four Mitzvot of Purim
- The Death of Stalin: The Untold Purim Story
- The Story of Megillat Esther for Kids (Hebrew)
- Morah Shifras Purim Dancing Song
- Why We Dress Up On Purim - Rabbi Mintz
- Purim: The Last Laugh - Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair
- Purim Adloyada Parade in Elkana
- Avrum Moshe Bardugo - Venoihapoichu - Purim (Hebrew Song)
- Purim: The Hidden Story of Queen Esther - Rabbi Avraham Reisman
- Not Easy Being Purim (Hebrew, humor)
- Purim challah - bake with your kids!
- My Jewish Mommy Life - Best Hamentashen Recipe!
- "Purim Shark" - Rosenblum Shaloch-E-Manos - Purim 2019
- Hop Channel: Do it yourself Mishloach Manot
- Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald: Standing Up For Ourselves: A Purim Message
- Aish Video: Amazing Purim Artifacts
- Purim Shalva Jerusalem (Hebrew)
- Yeshiva Guevoha - The Chosen - Purim 2019 - Music Video (Brazil)
- Harry´s Video Blog - Jimmy Olsen´s Watch: Purim
- News4JAX: Celebrating Purim
- 2019 Marvelous Purim Schpiel
- Vegan options for celebrating Purim
- Purim 2019 - Yaptzik Klezmer - Purim Klezmer
- YNET: Celebrating Purim at School
- Purim Hebrew Song with Russian Translation
- Bring Joy to the People of Israel this Purim with Israel365
- Ten Little Hamentashen - Rebbetzin Tap
- Medical Clowns (Hebrew)
- Purim: How to Live a Happy and Meaningful Life
- Y-Studs - "Mahapecha Shel Simcha" (Hebrew Song)
- How is Esther better than Gal Gadot?
- Webdvar -Purim - Tzav 5779
- Yes Stars interviewed about Purim Costumes (Hebrew)
I also added photo to the Purim Photo Gallery at:
Happy Purim!
Purim Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:17 AM
Labels: Purim, Purim videos, Purim Youtube Videos
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Large Hotsites Update including Learn English, Kids Reading, Kids Games, Astronomy, Purim
Hi Everyone!
This week, I continued to review and update many sections of my hotsites directory which I started over 22 years ago.
The following sections include many changes and additions:
Learn English
Online Reading Resources for Kids
including cool read-aloud English websites
Books and Reading Resources
Kids Games
Online Fun
added many more fun links over the past week
Learn Hebrew
added children stories and songs including Hebrew Disney songs
I also updated the Purim sites including:
Purim Hotsites
Purim Videos
Purim Humor
including Purim Shpiel / Purim Plays
Please share. Thank you!
Stay Safe!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:03 PM
Labels: Astronomy, hotsites, kids games, learn English, Learn Hebrew, online fun, reading
Monday, March 4, 2019
New Israeli Educational Stamps including the Purim Mitzvahs
Hi Everyone!
I posted online images of the new Israeli stamps that were
issued in March 2019:
The Purim Mitzvahs
- Reading the Book of Esther
- Festive Purim Banquet
- Mishlo'ach Manot
- Gifts for the Needy
Mountains in Israel
- Mount Meron
- Mount Karkom
Birds in Israel - Coraciiformes
- European Bee-eater - Merops apiaster
- Blue-cheeked Bee-eater - Merops persicus
- Little Green Bee-eater - Merops orientalis
- European Roller - Coracias garrulus
- Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
- Science Oriented Youth
- Greetings - Happy Birthday
- Fighter Jets in the Israeli Air Force
Supermarine Spitfire IX
F35I Lightning II
(ATM Machine Label)
The new stamp images are posted at:
In a Facebook album at:
On Instagram at:
Please share. Thank You!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:38 PM
Labels: educational stamps, Hebrew, Israel, philatelic, Philately, Purim
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Updated: Online Fun including Crossword Puzzles
Hi Everyone!
It has been years since I updated the online fun hotsites. Tonight, I cleared out all the closed sites and made changes and additions to the list. I created a new page for the list at:
The page includes websites with crossword puzzles. The first site listed has daily printable crossword puzzles
and an archive going back several years. I do not do crossword puzzles - when time permits, I play free online Lexulous and Scrabble via Facebook.
However, I enter the crosswords site once every week or two and I download six daily crossword puzzles in
PDF format. I also screen capture images of the six answer sheets. Why?
A few months ago, an older friend had to move to an old age home in Jerusalem. I found out that she likes
crossword puzzles but she does not have online access. I asked for the email of the administration office
and I email them the PDF's and images and they print and deliver them to her room. She enjoys doing the
puzzles and doing word games keeps the mind active.
BTW - I try to send just six PDFs in an email in order not to be a burden on the kind staff and I wait a few days before sending the answers.
I thought this tidbit was worth sharing in order to bring some joy to others.
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night / morning,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:13 PM
Labels: crossword puzzles, online fun
Saturday, February 23, 2019
New: Images and videos of Beresheet - Israel's first spacecraft to the moon
Hi Everyone!
I created a new page with images and videos of Beresheet - Israel's first spacecraft to the moon.
Please share. Thank you.
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:23 PM
Labels: Beresheet, Israel spacecraft to the moon, spaceil
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
New: "Eat Healthy" Hebrew Videos with English Translations
Hi Everyone!
The Israel Ministry of Health has been running a campaign against processed food. The campaign highlights the advantages of unprocessed food,
such as fresh chicken, legumes, and fresh vegetables. They have been publicizing the Hebrew public service
announcements on television, Youtube and social media. Today, I created a page of the videos with English translations.
Feedback is welcome.
Please share. Thank You!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:07 PM
Labels: eat healthy, Hebrew, Hebrew to English translation, Hebrew videos, YouTube
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Updated: Learn English with Jokes and Riddles - over 350 jokes and riddles
Hi Everyone!
Reading English jokes and riddles is a fun way
to learn English culture, grammar and vocabulary.
Learn English with Jokes and Riddles
has over 350 jokes and riddles.
All jokes and riddles are suitable for all ages.
1. What stays in a corner but goes all around the world?
3. What is full of holes but can hold water?
26. What can you catch but not throw?
27. What goes up and down but doesn't move?
24. What is bigger when it is upside down?
65. Which letter of the alphabet is a drink?
67. Which letter of the alphabet is a vegetable?
70. What has many keys but can't open any doors?
221. What are twins' favorite fruits?
234. What becomes white when it gets dirty?
235. What do an air conditioner and a computer have in common?
248. What gets wetter the more it dries?
259. Which word in the English language uses all the vowels including "y"?
278. What is the most slippery country in the world?
331. What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
334. What is the coolest letter in the alphabet?
The answers at:
Feedback is welcome!
Please share this free, fun, educational resource.
Thank you.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:06 PM
Labels: English jokes, English riddles, esl riddles, learn english with jokes and riddles
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Hi Everyone!
I created a new video page with
14 Cool Israeli Flash Mob Videos
Please share. Thank you!
Stay Warm and Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:33 AM
Labels: Flash Mob Videos, Israel Flash Mob, Israeli Flash Mob Videos
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Chodesh Tov and Tu B'Shvat Resources
Hi Everyone!
Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat begins tonight at sundown - 6 January, 2019.
Tu B'Shvat is only 15 days away.
I updated the Tu B'Shvat educational and fun resources at:
This year I added a new section on Tu B'Shvat Seders.
I also added photos to the Tu B'Shvat Gallery at:
Please share the resources. Thank You!
Have a good month!
Chodesh Tov!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:22 PM
Labels: "Tu B'shvat", Trees. Tu B'Shvat
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Updated: 90 Adon Olam Videos on YouTube
Updated: 90 Adon Olam Videos on YouTube
I added the Hebrew words with vowels, an English transliteration and English translation.
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:46 AM
Labels: adon olam, Adon Olam Hebrew song, Adon Olam lyrics, adon olam videos, YouTube