Hi Everyone!
Today, I updated my site "Learn Hebrew Signs" with several winter signs.
You can view the new signs at:
Learn Hebrew Signs is a free, on-line, educational resource to learn Hebrew words in a fun way.
The site includes 444 photos of Hebrew signs.Below each photo is the Hebrew text with nikud (vowels)
and an English translation of the text.
Sign locations include:
Canion Malcha and Canion Adumim (malls), The Jerusaem Central Bus Station, Hebrew University, Hadassah Hospital, The Israel Museum, The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, and the streets of Israel.
Enjoy the photos and learn Hebrew at:
Feedback is welcome.
Please share the site. Thank you!
Have a good day!
Jacob Richman
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Learn Hebrew Signs - New Winter Signs
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:01 PM
Labels: Hebrew, Hebrew Signs, Israel, Learn Hebrew, learn Hebrew signs, signs
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
English - Hebrew Winter Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Do you know the Hebrew words for:
blanket, blizzard, boots, cloudy, coat, cold, cough, fireplace, floods, flu, fog, frozen, gloves, hail, hat, ice, insulation, quilt, rain, scarf, shovel, ski lift, slippery, snow, snowball, snowplow, socks, soup, storm, umbrella, wind, wintry?
Start learning 84 winter related words at:
Please share. Thank You!
Stay warm and have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:45 AM
Labels: cold, English Hebrew winter vocabulary, Hebrew, Hebrew vocabulary, Ivrit, Learn Hebrew, rain, snow, winter vocabulary
Sunday, December 13, 2015
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Israeli Nostalgia
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in December 2015.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Nili Centenary
- The Mamluk Postal Road
Israeli Nostalgia
- Tembel Hat
- Soda Siphon
- Sussita
Theater and Entertainment Personalities
- Channa Marron
- Sefi Rivlin
- Pension Savings
The new stamp images and flyers are located at:
Short sharing address:
Images are also posted on Facebook at:
Selected stamp images are on Instagram at:
Please share the pages. Thank you.
Chanukah Sameach - Happy Chanukah!
Shavua Tov - Have a good week!
Chodesh Tov - Have a good month! (Hebrew month of Tevet)
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:03 AM
Labels: Israeli educational stamps, Israeli Stamps, nostagia, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Educational resources about Chanukah and over 500 Chanukah videos
Hi Everyone!
Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is observed for eight days, beginning on the evening of the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. This year Chanukah starts Sunday night, December 6, 2015.
Chanukah is a wonderful holiday of renewed dedication, faith, hope and spiritual light. It's a holiday that says: "Never lose hope." Chanukah commemorates the victory of a small band of Maccabees over the pagan Syrian-Greeks who ruled over Israel.
The Chanukah Page includes lesson sites in several languages, videos, songs, Chanukah trivia quiz, English Hebrew vocabulary lists, recipes, games, humor, photos, clipart, coloring pages and a map of the sites of the Maccabees 166-161 BCE.
The address is:
Learn 26 Chanukah Phrases with Hebrew audio and English transliterations and translations at:
The Chanukah Video Page has links to over 500 cool Chanukah videos at:
The video page will be updated several times a week as we get closer to Chanukah.
Suggestions for new video additions are welcome.
Please share these holiday resources. Thank You!
Shavua Tov!
Have a good week!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:39 AM
Labels: chanukah, chanukah videos, chanukah vocabulary, Hanukka, hanukkah videos
Monday, November 9, 2015
Cool Goodle Doodle for Jewish actress / inventor Hedy Lamarr
Hi Everyone!
Google posted a Google Doodle in honor of the 101st birthday of Jewish actress / inventor Hedy Lamarr.
I posted the doodle and short video at:
My Jewish Trivia Quiz includes a multiple choice question about what Hedy Lamarr invented.
See if you know the answer (or take an educated guess) at:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:17 PM
Labels: google doodle, Hedy Lamarr, Jewish, Jewish actress, Jewish inventor, Jewish trivia
Sunday, November 1, 2015
English - Hebrew Computer Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Do you know the Hebrew words for:
backup, bandwidth, communications, compression, computer, connection, content, data, default, documentation, email, file, folder, keyboard, mouse, password, printer, router, scanner, social network?
Start learning 181 computer related words at:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good week!
Shavua Tov!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:29 PM
Labels: English Hebrew Dictionary, English Hebrew vocabulary, Hebrew, Hebrew computer vocabulary, Learn Hebrew
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) Report - October 29, 2015
I just published the Computer Jobs in Israel Report for October 29, 2015.
The report with 25 companies and 92 positions is online at:
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:31 PM
Labels: cji, computer jobs, computer jobs in Israel, Israel, Israel hitech
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
New Topic: Jewish Inventors and Innovations
Hi Everyone!
I added the topic "Jewish Inventors and Innovations"
to the Jewish Trivia Quiz at:
Here are sample trivia questions from level 1 and level 2:
- In which field did Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921?
- Ephraim Hertzano, a Romanian-born Jew, invented a best-selling
Israeli tile-based game. What is the name of the game?
- Which drug, developed by Leo Henryk Sternbach, was released in 1963
and became one of the most prescribed drugs in America?
- What field is Sigmund Freud best known for?
- The Israeli company Given Imaging developed the PillCam for imaging
which part of the body?
- Jews comprise less than 0.2% of the world's population.
Approximately what percentage of all Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Jews?
- Baruch Samuel Blumberg received the 1976 Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Which Brooklyn elementary school did he attend?
- The Intel 8088 micropocessor, used on the first IBM PC, was designed in Israel.
At which Intel facility was it developed?
- Taki was invented by Haim Shafir. What is Taki?
You can choose your level of play and timer settings.
You can choose a 10 or 25 question quiz.
The quiz is multiple choice. If you do not know the
answer, you can take an educated guess.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz now has 17 topics with over
1000 multiple choice questions. Enjoy!
Please share the quiz. Thank You!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:40 PM
Labels: inventors, Israel, jeewish inventors, Jewish, Jewish trivia, jewsih trivia quiz, trivia quiz
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
English - Hebrew Animal Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Do you know the Hebrew words for:
bat, beaver, camel, crocodile, elephant,hamster, hedgehog, leopard, owl, parrot, pigeon, snail, squirrel, swan, turkey?
Start learning new words at:
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good month! (Hebrew month of Cheshvan)
Chodesh Tov!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:29 AM
Labels: animal vocabulary, animals, English Hebrew Dictionary, English Hebrew vocabulary, Hebrew vocabulary, Learn Hebrew
The Noach Page
Hi Everyone!
I updated the Noach Page which has links to children parsha pages, commentary pages, songs, humor items, and a section on Noach stamps, graphics and clipart. The page also includes Noach word search game pages in three languages. This week, I added a link to the updated English - Hebrew animal vocabulary sheets.
The address is:
In addition to the main Noach page, I have a humor section with a collection of Noach Cartoons from around the net:
Enjoy and please share the pages with friends. Thank you!
Have a good month!
Chodesh Tov!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:26 AM
Labels: ark, Hebrew, humor, Noach, noah, Parsha, Parshat Noach
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
It started to rain in Israel.......
Hi Everyone!
On Shmini Atzeret we pray for a winter filled with blessed rain.
Within 48 hours.....it started to rain in Israel.
To read the phrase and hear a native Israeli say it in Hebrew visit:
The season is changing and the weather is changing too.
Prepare yourself for the change with the weather vocabulary study sheets at:
For your amusement, here is the rain scene from one of my favorite movies: The Frisco Kid
Chief Gray Cloud: [in reference to Avram's God]
What does he do?
Avram: He... He can do anything!
Chief Gray Cloud: Then why can't he make rain?
Avram: Because he doesn't make rain. He gives us strength
when we're suffering. He gives us compassion when all that
we feel is hatred. He gives us courage when we're searching
around blindly like little mice in the darkness...
but He does not make rain!
[Thunder and lightning begin, followed by a downpour]
Avram: Of course... sometimes, just like that, he'll change His mind.
Here is the 1 minute Frisco Kid rain scene video:
Please share with friends. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:59 AM
Labels: English Hebrew vocabulary, Israel, rain, weather, weather vocabulary
Monday, September 7, 2015
Educational Resources and Cool Videos about Rosh Hashana - The Jewish New Year
Hi Everyone!
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year 5776, begins Sunday night, September 13, 2015.
I posted on my website 72 links about Rosh Hashana, from laws and customs to games and recipes.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Russian and Spanish.
The address is:
Over the past two weeks, I posted new photos to the Rosh HaShana Photo Gallery at:
and finally.....
Over 450 Rosh Hashana Cool Videos There is something for everyone.
New videos include:
- Boys Town Jerusalem - BaShana Habaah
- Bnei Akiva Entertainment Team: Shana Tova
- Shana Tova - Israeli Opera Singers
- Shana Tova from the Technion
- Shana Tova 2015 From University of Haifa
- Shana Tova from the Aleh in Jerusalem (Happy Theme)
- Shana Tova from Prigat
- Beit Chabad: Check your Mezuzot in Elul (Hebrew)
- Joy of Kosher: Apples and Honey Dessert Rolls for Rosh Hashanah
- Animated Shana Tova from Dor Mintz
- Message for Rosh Hashanah 5776 by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz
- Welcome Class of 2019! Welcome to Princeton and Shana Tova!
- Shana Tova from the Sheba Oncology Department
- PM's Wife at the distribution of holiday coupons to lone soldiers
- Pitchon Lev - 10,000 food baskets to needy families
- The Yeshiva Boys Choir - "Ki Avi (Chazak)"
- Aish: Prayer Power
- Aish: Making High Holiday Prayers Relevant
- Shana Tova from Keren Hayesod UIA
- About Rosh Hashana - Rabbi Lange of Jewish Care Victoria
- The Jewish Prayer Songs - Beloved songs for Rosh Hashanah
- Rosh Hashanah with Broken Sounds by Rabbi Anchelle Perl
- Shana Tova from Scope (in several languages)
and many more...
Additional videos will be added before Rosh Hashana.
Please share the holiday resource pages. Thank you!
Have a Good Year!
Shana Tova!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:37 PM
Labels: Jewish Holidays, Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashana Videos, shana tova
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
New Israeli Educational Stamps including the Jewish Holidays
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in September 2015.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
Festivals 2015 - Childhood Memories
- Rosh Hashana
- Yom Kippur
- Sukkot
Shana Tov Card from the Israel Philatelic Service
- Jewish Resistance Movement - 70th Anniversary
Haganah - Etzel - Lehi
Rivers of Israel
- Kziv River
- Taninim River
- Zin River
The new stamp images and flyers are located
at: www.history-of-israel.co.il/stamps/index-2015.html
Short sharing address: http://bit.ly/israel-stamps-2015
Copies of the images are on Facebook at: http://bit.ly/israeli-stamps-2015
Stamp images are also on Instagram at: http://instagram.com/jrichman2003/
I also updated the following Rosh Hashana pages:
Rosh Hashana Educational Resources
350+ Rosh Hashana Videos
The Rosh Hashana Photo Gallery
Please share the pages. Thank you.
Shana Tova!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:12 PM
Labels: Israeli educational stamps, Israeli postage stamps, Israeli Stamp, Israeli Stamps, Jewish, Jewish Holidays, Jewish New Year, philatelic, Philately, Rosh Hashana, shana tova, stamp collecting
Thursday, August 27, 2015
English - Hebrew "School" Vocabulary Study Sheets
Hi Everyone!
Get ready for the new school year with the English - Hebrew "School" vocabulary study sheets at:
Please share. Thank you!
For a free 3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar Card (images and a PDF file) visit:
Have a good year,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:19 PM
Labels: English Hebrew Dictionary, Hebrew, Hebrew vocabulary, school vocabulary
Thursday, August 20, 2015
3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar (5576-5778 / 2015-2018)
I created a new, three year, Jewish holiday calendar card which I posted on my website for you to view, download or print.
The address is:
There are two image sizes and an Acrobat PDF file.
For best printed results use the Acrobat PDF file.
When printing the PDF file use the print option "fit to print margins".
Please share. Thank you.
Have a Good Year!
Shana Tova!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:09 AM
Labels: Hebrew calendar, Jewish, Jewish calendar, Jewish Holidays, shana tova
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Welcome Home to the New Olim and photos at the airport
Hi Everyone!
Congratulations and welcome home to the 232 new olim that made aliyah to Israel from North America. The NBN aliyah charter flight arrived in Israel this morning (Tuesday, August 18) and included 75 children in 29 families and 86 singles. The youngest oleh in the group is four months old and the oldest oleh is 79 years old. 59 of the group will be volunteering for the IDF.
I took 328 photos of this historic and exciting event and I posted them online at:
I also uploaded the photos to Facebook for name tagging.
The Facebook album address is:
If you have a Facebook account and you are in the photos or you see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.
Please share the photos with friends. Thank you!
May the aliyah from all over the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a great day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:13 PM
Labels: aliyah, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Jewish, moving to Israel, olah, oleh, Olim, Zionism
Thursday, July 30, 2015
New: English - Hebrew "Hiking and Camping" Vocabulary and Happy Tu B'Av
Hi Everyone!
Before you plan your next hike or camping trip, prepare yourself with the new "Hiking and Camping" vocabulary section of My English Hebrew Dictionary.
There are 12 new study sheets with 100 words and terms related to hiking and camping.
Each word is show in Hebrew with nikud (vowels) and there is an English translation and transliteration.
Do you know the Hebrew words for:
canteen, flashlight, forest, guide, knot, nature reserve,pace, rope, sleeping bag, sunrise, sunset ?
Start learning new words at:
Feedback is welcome.
This Friday, July 31, is Tu B'Av!
I updated the special Tu Bav page with cool images and videos:
Happy Tu B'Av and Shabbat Shalom!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:33 PM
Labels: camping vocabulary, English Hebrew Dictionary, English Hebrew vocabulary, Hebrew, Hebrew vocabulary, hiking vocabulary
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Educational Resources about Tisha B'Av
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar because of the incredible series of tragedies which occurred on that date throughout Jewish History.
Tisha B'Av means "the ninth (day) of the Hebrew month of Av."
Tisha B'Av primarily commemorates the destruction of the first and second Temples, both of which were destroyed on the ninth of Av (the first by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E.; the second by the Romans in 70 C.E.).
Although this day is primarily meant to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, it is appropriate to consider on this day the many other tragedies of the Jewish people, many of which occurred on this day, most notably the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.
You can learn more about this Jewish fast day at:
May we see the rebuilding of the Temple in our days and that Tisha B'Av becomes a day of celebration.
If you are fasting:
Have a meaningful fast.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:08 PM
Labels: 9th of Av, Jerusalem, Jewish, Tisha B'Av
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Welcome Home to the New Olim and photos at the airport
Hi Everyone!
Congratulations and welcome home to the 221 new olim that made aliyah to Israel from North America. The NBN aliyah charter flight arrived in Israel this morning (Tuesday, July 14).
I took 311 photos of this historic and exciting event and I posted them online at:
I also uploaded the photos to Facebook for name tagging.The Facebook album address is:
If you have a Facebook account and you are in the photos or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.Please share the photos with friends. Thank you!
May the aliyah from all over the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a great day,
Thursday, July 9, 2015
New: English - Hebrew "Renting an Apartment" Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Before you plan your next move, prepare yourself with the new "Renting an Apartment" vocabulary section of My English Hebrew Dictionary.
There are 23 new study sheets with 150 words and terms related to finding and renting an apartment.
Each word is show in Hebrew with nikud (vowels) and there is an English translation and transliteration.
Do you know the Hebrew words for: bedrooms, gas meter, guarantors, rental agreement, repairs, wall closet, water pressure ?
Start learning new words at:
Feedback is welcome!
Please share this free educational resource. Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:42 PM
Labels: English Hebrew Dictionary, Ivrit, Learn Hebrew, renting an apartment
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
New Israeli Educational Stamps including Jewelry from Jewish Communities
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in June 2015.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
Jewelry from Jewish Communities
- Bridal Head Ornament - Bukhara, late 19th century
- Wedding Ring - Italy, 17th century
- Bridal Jewelry - Yemen, 1930s
- World War One in Ezretz Israel Centenary
The Military Railway (1915)
- Bell AH-1 Cobra - Israel Air Force
- 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations
Tel Aviv - The White City
Israel-Germany Joing Issue
- Tomato
- Onion
- Lettuce
- Purple Cabbage
- Carrot
The Hebrew and English flyers on the site list the benefits of each vegetable.
The new stamp images and flyers are located at:
Short sharing address: http://bit.ly/israel-stamps-2015
I uploaded copies of the images to a Facebook album at:
I also posted 10 stamp images on Instagram at:
Please share the pages. Thank you.
Chodesh Tov!
Have a good month!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:02 PM
Labels: educational stamps, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Israeli educational stamps, Israeli postage stamps, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Photos and Videos of the Jerusalem Festival of Light
Hi Everyone!
Last night, June 3, I went to the opening night of the Jerusalem Festival of Light in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel.
It was really nice!
I was there for 2 hours and I did not cover all the routes.
It is open every night (except Friday) for the next 8 days.
Admission is free.
I took photos of the festival and posted them online at:
I also created two videos. The first video (about 11 minutes) highlights various performances and exhibits.
The second video (8.5 minutes) is a performance by the group "Marsh Dondurma".
This is the first time I heard the group and they were very good!!
I posted both videos at:
Please share. Thank you!
It is 8:15am, Thursday morning and I am going to try and get some sleep.
Have a good day and an early
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:29 PM
Labels: Festival of Light in Jerusalem, Jerusalem Photos, Jerusalem videos, Light in Jerusalem 2015, Marsh Dondurma, מארש דונדורמה
Thursday, May 28, 2015
New: English Hebrew Vocabulary - 103 Places
Hi Everyone!
This week, I created a new section called "Places" for my English Hebrew Dictionary.
The 13 new study sheets include a wide range of places. You may be familiar with the Hebrew words for airport, bakery, beach and bookstore but do you know the Hebrew words for: boardwalk, farm, garage and greenhouse?
Each word is show in Hebrew with nikud (vowels) and there is an English translation and transliteration.
Start learning new words at:
While you are at the site, you can refresh your summer vocabulary at:
For a detailed list of all 363 study sheets visit:
Last but not least, I added a new cool sign to my Learn Hebrew Signs site. You can check it out at:
Feedback is welcome!
Please share the sites. Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:49 PM
Labels: educational, English Hebrew Dictionary, English Hebrew vocabulary, Hebrew, Hebrew vocabulary, Ivrit, Places
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Photos of Yom Yerushalayim in the Old City
Hi Everyone!
Today, 28th of Iyar, I went to the Old City of Jerusalem to take photos in honor of Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day).Due to the hot weather, I decided not to do the flag march.
I arrived in the Old City about 7pm - about an hour before the flag marchers started to flow in. Within 2 hours, the Kotel plaza went from half empty to a full house.
I posted photos at:
I also created a short address for sharing on social media:
Enjoy the photos!
Please share. Thank you!
Shavua Tov,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:42 PM
Labels: Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Day, Jerusalem Photos, Old City Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Yom Yerushalayim
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Educational Resources for Shavuot
Hi Everyone!
Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah, the first harvest, and the ripening of the first fruits. The two day festival (1 day in Israel) begins on Saturday night, May 23, 2015.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has a selection of multiple choice questions about Shavuot.
What are the five names of Shavuot ?
On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments ?
How many letters are there in the Torah ?
In the days of the Temple what did people do on Shavuot ?
Who married Ruth ?
Who was Ruth the great-grandmother of ?
What is the connection between the number 7 and Shavuot ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings.Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
Free Shavuot Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project,
a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Shavuot
announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures
for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes.
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio - 22 Shavuot Phrases
My English Hebrew Dictionary - Shavuot Words
My Jewish Games - Shavuot Games (in flash)
- The Multilingual Word Search Game (English / Hebrew / Russian)
- My Jewish Coloring Book (online / offline)
Cool Shavuot Videos
The Shavuot Photo Gallery (including holiday packaged milk)
On Facebook:
To learn more about Shavuot, I posted on my website 57 links, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
The address is:
Please share the holiday resources. Thank you!
Have a Happy Shavuot!
Chag Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:42 PM
Labels: educational resources, Jewish Holiday, Matan Torah, Shavuot
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Educational Resources for Jerusalem Day - May 17, 2015
Hi Everyone!
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on the 28th of the Hebrew month of Iyar. This year (5775 / 2015) the day falls on Sunday, May 17.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has over 100 multiple choice questions about Jerusalem.
Who built the first temple ?
How many people were involved in constructing the first temple ?
What are the colors of the Jerusalem Beitar soccer team ?
Which animal is on the emblem of the Municipality of Jerusalem ?
What three Jewish holidays is Jerusalem the focal point ?
How long ago was Jerusalem established ?
On what mountain was King David buried ?
How high is Jerusalem above sea level ?
What is the name of the famous art school in Jerusalem ?
What is the length of the wall surrounding the old city ?
When was Hebrew University established ?
Which group defended Jerusalem in 1948 ?
How many open gates does the old city of Jerusalem have ?
What is the name of the largest shopping mall in Jerusalem ?
Who was the first mayor of Jerusalem ?
What was Jerusalem called in the days of Abraham our patriarch ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio - 46 Jerusalem Phrases
My English Hebrew Dictionary - Jerusalem Words
Youtube videos about Jerusalem
To learn more about Jerusalem, I posted on my website 220 links, ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps.
The address is:
Please share the resources. Thank you!
Happy Jerusalem Day!
Yom Yerushalayim Sameach!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:02 PM
Labels: Jerusalem, Jerusalem Day, Yerushalayim, Yom Yerushalayim
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Educational Resources for Lag Ba'Omer
Hi Everyone!
The Jewish festival "Lag Ba'Omer" is Thursday, May 7, 2015.
If you are flying over Israel on Wednesday night (May 6) and you look down out of your plane, you will see thousands of bonfires dotting the landscape as far as the eye can see. There are various customs and explanations for these celebrations.
I posted on my website 43 links to learn about "Lag Ba'Omer".
The address is:
I also created English Hebrew vocabulary sheets at:
Enjoy the bonfires!
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:01 PM
Labels: Lag B'Omer, Lag Ba'omer
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
New: English - Hebrew Employment Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Before you start looking for a new job, prepare yourself with the new employment vocabulary section of My English Hebrew Dictionary.
There are 25 study sheets with 150 words and terms related to employment.
Please share. Thank you!
Have a good night,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:08 PM
Labels: employment vocabulary, Hebrew employment vocabulary, Hebrew vocabulary, Ivrit, Learn Hebrew, work vocabulary
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Google Doodle - Israel Independence Day 2015
Hi Everyone!
Google posted its Google Doodle for Israel Independence Day 2015.
You can view other cool Google Doodles at:
I also added many new videos to the Israel video list at:
Happy Israel Independence Day!
Yom Ha'atzmaut Sameach!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:24 PM
Labels: Good doodle, Google Doodle for Israel Independence Day 2015, Israel Independence Day, yom ha'atzmaut
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Educational Resources and Cool Videos for Israel Independence Day
Hi Everyone!
Israel Independence Day is celebrated this year on Thursday, April 23, 2015.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz - topic: Israel
What is the national emblem of Israel ?
"Pehsek Zeman" and "Egozi" are what type of Israeli foods ?
Who was the first president of Israel ?
What was the 1917 British Balfour Declaration ?
What is Israel's Internet country code ?
What was "Operation Babylon" ?
Who were the first two countries to recognize Israel ?
What are Amos and Offeq ?
How many lanuages are engraved on Israeli coins used today ?
The above questions are examples from over 200 multiple-choice questions about Israel. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings. Both kids and adults will find it entertaining and educational.
English Hebrew Israel vocabulary study sheets.
Learn 34 "Israel" Hebrew Phrases
Free Israel Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Israel event announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.
Israel Videos on YouTube
There are now 416 videos about Israel on the site.
There is something for everyone.
Last but not least, I posted on my website 154 links about Israel, ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps.
All 154 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The address is:
Please forward this message. Thank You!
Happy Israel Independence Day!
Yom Ha'Atzmaut Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:00 PM
Labels: educational resources, Israel, israel clipart, Israel Independence Day, Israel Photos, yom ha'atzmaut, youtube videos
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
English - Hebrew "Israel" Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
Yom Ha'atzmaut is next week and it is time to brush up on your "Israel" Hebrew vocabulary. The 9 study sheets contain 54 Israel related words / phrases.
I also updated the educational resources for Israel Independence Day at:
Please share the pages with friends. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:26 PM
Labels: English Hebrew vocabulary, Hebrew vocabulary, Israel Independence Day, yom ha'atzmaut
Monday, April 13, 2015
Educational Resources about the Holocaust
Holocaust Remembrance Day is Thursday, April 16, 2015.
I posted on my website 176 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Arabic, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
The website address is:
Please forward this message.
Thank you.
We must not forget.
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:22 PM
Labels: Holocaust, Yom Hashoa
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
New Israeli Educational Stamps including the Israel Museum 50th Anniversary
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in April 2015.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- The Cyrus Declaration
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem - 50th Anniversary
- Shrine of the Book
- Synagogue Hanukkah Lamp, Eastern Europe, 18th Century
- Turning the World Upside Down, Jerusalem, Anish Kapoor
- Memorial Day
- Zion Mule Corps - 100th Anniversary
- Ashdod Port - 50th Anniversary
- Fields of Tomorrow - Expo 2015, Milano
The new stamp images are located at:
I also uploaded the images to a Facebook album.
The address is:
Please share the pages. Thank you.
Happy Passover!
Moadim L'Simcha!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:08 PM
Labels: Cyrus Declaration, Fields of Tomorrow - Expo 2015 Milano, Israel Museum 50th Anniversary, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting, Zion Mule Corps
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
403 Passover Videos including 56 new ones
Hi Everyone!
I have been updating the Passover video list at:
The updated list has 56 new videos for Passover including these:
- Passover Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from Technion in Israel
- The Maccabeats - Dayenu - Passover
- Six13 - Uptown Passover
- Aish: Passover Funk - "Uptown Funk" Parody
- Boys Town Jerusalem Sing Ma Nishtana
- Mama Doni Band - Streit's 4th Annual Passover Palooza
- Can't Eat This - Passover Parody (U Can't Touch This) by Julie Geller
- Part the Waters song by Julie Geller
- Rabbi Shlomo Riskin on Parshat Tzav
- Boca Raton Hillel Day School Pesach Video
- JJEP Happy For Pesach
- Children's Pesach Hebrew Songs (Hop Channel)
- A Bissel of Pesach
- Passover Seders at the Home of Yiddish Writer Solomon Simon
- Joy of Kosher: Creamy Peach & Banana Matzo Brie Bake
- Chabad Naples: Model Matzah Bakery
- The 2015 Pesach Miracle (commercial)
- Not Just Kind, by Shlomo Horwitz
- Hebrew Pesach Commercial (Supersol Deal)
- Colel Chabad Pesach 2015
- Happy Pesach! Pesach with Akiva 2015
- Passover Seder - Mendy Pellin Stand up Comedy
- Pesach Video Hand in Hand in Israel
- 6th Grade in Nahariah Israel making Matzot
- Hebrew Pesach Commercial (Isracard)
- Pesach is Coming - Time for Matzah Baking!
- JMT: Sing Along with Us to Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions)
- JFS Pesach Greeting 2015
- Aryeh Rosenfield - Passover
- Chabad 5 Towns Passover Music Video
- Bnot Sherut 2015 BMA- Passover Video
- University of Haifa Passover Clip
- Passover Seders 2015 at Chabad NDG
- Happy Passover from the Mayor of Bat Yam (Hebrew)
- Harry's Video Blog - Pharoah's Pajamas: Passover
- Ambassador Shapiro Prepares for Pesach in Kfar Chabbad
- The Wondering Jew: Why do we clean so much for Pesach?
- Uptown Passover Funk Mashup
- Temple Emunah Presents "The Animated 10 Plagues of Passover"
- Passover: Food & Diet, Cantor Mo Glazman
- Rav Rimon - Kashering an Oven for Pesach (Hebrew with English subs.)
- Pesach Preparations in Tsfat 2 (comic relief)
- Hanc Third Grade Pesach Adventure
- Renowned Chazzan R’ Pinchos Rabinovicz at Matzah Bakery
- My Passover Seder feat. The Jabberwocks of Brown University
- My Favorite Seder Song "Ki Lo Naeh" (Aryeh Sonnenberg)
- Students of Chofei Hagalil Sing Dayenu (with illustrations)
- Chad Gadya sung by Sassi Keshet (1971)
- Chad Gadya sung by Shmuel Perednik and Amichai Meter
- The Nosher: How to Make Fluffy Matzah Balls
- The Rabbi & The Chef: Passover Episode - Charoset
- Happy Passover from Keren Hayesod UIA
- Chag Pesach Sameach - Photos of Agmon Hahulla
- What's the best thing about Pesach? (Jewish News TV)
- Bruriah Soundbytes Presents: Pesach Time
- IDF Kimcha DPischa in Ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem
- Tomchei Shabbos Pesach Distribution Lakewood
- Passover Party for Shoah Survivors (Tel-Aviv Port)
- Pesach Message from Rabbi Lau - Chief Rabbi of Israel (Hebrew)
Happy Passover!
Chag Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:09 PM
Labels: Jewish Holiday, Passover, Passover videos, Pesach, Pesach videos, YouTube
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Photos of the A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony in Ma'ale Adumim
Hi Everyone!
Today, March 22, the A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony took place at Eshkol Hapayis in Ma'ale Adumim.
I posted the photos at:
Congratulations to everyone that participated in the readathon.
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:51 PM
Labels: A.H.A.V.A. Readathon, Ma'ale Adumim
Friday, March 20, 2015
Passover Educational Resources and 348 Passover Videos
Hi Everyone!
Passover is a Jewish holiday, of Biblical origin, marking the birth of the Jews as a people and their emergence as a unique nation in history, devoted to G-d's will. It celebrates the liberation of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt over 3000 years ago, under the leadership of Moses.
This year, Passover begins on Friday night, April 3, 2015.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz - Passover Trivia
In what Hebrew month is Passover celebrated ?
Why do we eat matzah during Passover ?
How old was Moshe's mother when she gave birth to Moshe ?
How long did the Jews' exile in Egypt last ?
Where did the Jews live in Egypt ?
How many days did the plague of blood last ?
What happened to Pharoh's daughter, Batiya, when the
Jewish people left Egypt ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
My English Hebrew Dictionary - Passover Vocabulary
Free Passover Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Passover announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.
Cool Passover Videos
348 Cool Passover video links.
There is something for everyone.
Additional videos will be added as we get closer to Passover
The Passover Humor Files
98 Passover humor files ranging from funny jokes and stories to song parodies. You may want to print several of them before Passover and distribute copies to your family and guests between the seder meal courses. Both kids and adults will find them entertaining (and even educational).
To learn more about Passover, I posted on my website 118 site links, ranging from from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian. All 118 links have been reviewed / checked.
The address is:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:01 AM
Labels: English Hebrew vocabulary, Jewish Holiday, lessons, Passover, Passover Songs, Passover videos, Pesach, videos
Sunday, March 8, 2015
77 Jewish Proverbs and Sayings
Hi Everyone!
I created a new section on my website with 77 Jewish Proverbs and Sayings from my in-Hebrew site.
Each Hebrew Proverb is displayed with nikud (vowels) and has an English transliteration and translation.
The address is:
Please share the new section. Thank you!
Have a Good Week!
Shavua Tov!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:51 AM
Labels: Hebrew proverbs, Jewish proverbs, Jewish sayings, Learn Hebrew, proverbs
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Educational and Fun Resources for Purim
Hi Everyone!
Purim, the fun-filled Jewish holiday, falls on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar. This year Purim
begins Wednesday night March 4, 2015. (In Jerusalem it starts Thursday night March 5)
The following resources will help you appreciate and enjoy the holiday.
English Hebrew Purim vocabulary study sheets.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
Purim Trivia
Why do people eat poppy seeds on Purim ?
From what tribe was Mordecai ?
Why was Haman angry at Mordechai ?
Who was queen of Persia before Esther ?
Esther had another name, what was it ?
How many times is Haman's name mentioned in the megillah ?
What did the king do when he couldn't sleep ?
What does the word "Esther" mean ?
How many advisors did king Achashverosh have ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
Free Purim Clipart
Whether you need a picture to attach to your "Mishloach Manot", a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Purim announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.
My Hebrew Songbook - Purim Songs
Enter the songbook and choose the category Purim. You can view any song online or create printed song sheets with several songs together for a sing along. All Hebrew is graphic so you do not need Hebrew support to view or print the songs. All songs include Hebrew nikud (vowels).
Purim Humor Files
Worth printing several to entertain your guests at the Purim Seudah (festive meal).
My Jewish Coloring Book - Purim
Kids love to color, need I say more.
Purim Videos on YouTube
244 videos ranging from Purim Speils to funny gags.
To learn more about Purim, I posted on my website 75 site links, ranging from from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German.
All 75 links have been reviewed / checked this week. The web address is:
Feedback is welcome.
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources. Thank you!
Shavua Tov - Have a Good Week!
Happy Purim!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:40 PM
Labels: educational resources, Jewish Holiday, Purim, Purim clipart, Purim songs, Purim Trivia, Purim videos, Purim vocabulary
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) Salary Survey Results
Hi Everyone!
I posted on the Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) website the
results of the annual salary survey.
355 readers took part in the salary survey this year.
Each person answered 24 questions about their salary and
their work benefits.
Thanks!! to everyone that participated.
The results are posted (in English and Hebrew) on the
CJI resource page at:
Next week is Purim and I updated:
The Purim Page
2015 Purim Photos
Purim Videos
Chag Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
8:54 AM
Labels: cji, CJI salary Survey, computer jobs in Israel, Israel, Israel employment, israel jobs, Israel salaries
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The J Site - Jewish Education & Entertainment
Hi Everyone!
I made a new layout for my educational site:
The J Site - Jewish Education & Entertainment
Feedback is welcome!
Please share it with your friends.
Have a good night,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:27 PM
Labels: Jewish, Jewish clipart, Jewish Education, Jewish entertainment, Jewish Games, Jewish Holidays, Jewish trivia, Shabbat
Thursday, February 12, 2015
New Israeli Educational Stamps
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps
that were issued in February 2015.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover,
and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- The Philippine Rescue of Jews from the Holocaust
Israel-Philippines Joint Issue
- Ariel Sharon
- The International Year of Light 2015
Nobel Prize 2013 - Computational Chemistry, Rhodospin
- Chess
Winter Flowers
- Coast False-Chamomile (Anthemis leucanthemifolia)
- Crown Anemone (Anemone coronaria)
- Dyer's Alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria)
The new stamp images are located at:
I also uploaded the images to a Facebook album.
The address is:
Purim is three weeks away and I updated the Purim Page at:
Please share the pages. Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:40 PM
Labels: Israeli postage stamps, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The Shabbat Page
Hi Everyone!
I updated The Shabbat Page at:
The page includes Lessons, Parsha pages, Videos, English Hebrew Vocabulary Lists, Recipes, Games and Clipart about Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:51 PM
Labels: Parshat Hashavua, Shabbat, Shabbat Clipart, Shabbat Songs, Shabbat Videos, Shabbat Vocabulary
Monday, February 2, 2015
Educational Resources for Tu B'Shvat
Hi Everyone!
Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, falls on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat, February 4 this year (5775 / 2015).
This Jewish mini-holiday is of major importance to our
appreciation of Nature and our relationship to it.
I posted on my website a large selection of educational resources about Tu B'Shvat:
This week, I opened a new Tu B'Shvat photo page at:
Please share the resources. Thank you!
Happy Tu B'Shvat!
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:13 PM
Labels: "Tu B'shvat", English Hebrew vocabulary, Israeli fruit, Jewish Holiday, Trees
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Prepare for the Superbowl - English / Hebrew Football Vocabulary
Hi Everyone!
My English Hebrew Dictionary has 13 English / Hebrew vocabulary sheets with 83 words related to American football.
Feedback is welcome.
Please share with friends. Thank you!
Enjoy the game!
Have a good week,
Shavua Tov,
Jacob Richman
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:23 PM
Labels: American football, Football vocabulary, Hebrew vocabulary
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
70 multiple choice questions about Jewish food
I added 70 multiple choice questions about Jewish food to the Jewish Trivia Quiz. There are two levels of questions and three timer settings.
Level 1 sample questions:
What is the name of the Shabbat stew made with beans, beef, barley and potatoes?
What is a babka?
What food is considered Jewish penicillin?
What is the name of the most popular Israeli peanut butter-flavored snack?
What is the name for kosher slaughtering?
Level 2 sample questions:
What are the two main ingredients of shakshuka?
What are the main ingredients of the Libyan Jewish Sephardic dish called mafrum?
When did American style bagels start to be popular in Israel?
What type of soup is Krupnik?
What are some Sephardic names for cholent?
Take a 10 or 25 question quiz at:
Feedback is welcome!
Enjoy and please share the site with friends.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:05 AM
Labels: food, Jewish food, Jewish food trivia, Jewish trivia, jewish trivia quiz, kosher food