Hi Everyone!
Passover is a Jewish holiday, of Biblical origin, marking the birth of the Jews as a people and their emergence as a unique nation in history, devoted to G-d's will. It celebrates the liberation of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt over 3000 years ago, under the leadership of Moses. This year Passover begins on Saturday night, April 19, 2008.
The J Site - Jewish Education and Entertainment
has several entertaining features for Passover:
Passover Trivia
In what Hebrew month is Passover celebrated ?
Why do we eat matzah during Passover ?
How old was Moshe's mother when she gave birth to Moshe ?
How long did the Jews' exile in Egypt last ?
Where did the Jews live in Egypt ?
How many days did the plague of blood last ?
What happened to Pharoh's daughter, Batiya, when the
Jewish people left Egypt ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice
Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.
Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
Additional Passover resources and games on the J site include:
Free Passover Clipart
The Multilingual Word Search Game (English / Hebrew / Russian)
My Jewish Coloring Book (online / offline)
Hebrew Hangman Game
Hebrew Passover Songs with Vowels (Nikud)
The J site has something for everyone, but if that is not enough, I posted on my website 157 links about Passover, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian and German.
All 157 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
This year I added a new Passover section to my YouTube Video sections. I gathered 55 cool Passover videos on YouTube.
Enjoy the videos at:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
An early Happy Passover!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Passover on the J site, 55 Cool Passover Videos, 157 Hotsites
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:15 PM
Labels: Holiday, hotsites, J site, Jewish, Jewish clipart, Jewish Games, Jewish Holiday, Judaism, k-12, k12, Passover, Pesach, trivia quiz, video, videos, YouTube
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Pictures of the Purim Parade
Hi Everyone!
On Friday, March 21, there was a Purim parade in Ma'ale Adumim.
The parade (called "Adloyada") started at 10:30am.
I posted 194 pictures of the parade at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
Enjoy the pictures!
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:37 AM
Labels: Jewish, Jewish Holiday, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, parade, pictures, Purim
Thursday, March 20, 2008
56 Cool YouTube Purim Videos
Hi Everyone!
I created a list of 56 cool Purim Youtube videos.
There is something for everyone.
The list includes:
Shlock Rock Purim 1991
Megilat Esther Play in Israel
Atlanta Purim Parade
Adloyada Montreal
Bais Purim Shpiel Trailers
Efrat Purim Shpiel Husband Gemach
Hebrew Sesame Street - Purim
Purim Homintaschen vs. Hannukah Latke debate
The Mendy Report: Purim Controversy
Haman Song: a Purim rap
There Was A Rasha
Purim in Mexico City
Purim party Zagreb, Croatia
Dave Epstein Band - Al Hanisim
and many more.....
The address is:
Happy Purim!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
8:45 AM
Labels: Chag, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, Purim, video, videos, YouTube
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Uploaded New Learn English Video - Shopping
Hi Everyone!
I uploaded a new Learn English video to the Internet.
The topic of the new video is Shopping.
The address is:
The new page also contains past videos that I uploaded.
Feedback is welcome.
Please forward this message to anyone that may be interested in learning English. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:38 PM
Labels: EFL, English, ESl, esol, k-12, k12, language, language video, video, videos, vocabulary, YouTube
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Uploaded New Learn Hebrew Video - Shopping
Hi Everyone!
Today, I uploaded a new Learn Hebrew video to the Internet. The topic of the new video is Shopping.
The address is:
The new page also contains past videos that I uploaded.
Please forward this message to anyone that may be interested in learning Hebrew. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:28 PM
Labels: aliyah, educational, Hebrew, Israel, Ivrit, language, language video, Learn Hebrew, linguistics, shopping, video, videos, vocabulary, Yisrael, YouTube
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Favor: Please vote for my website today (Tuesday only)
Hi Everyone!
Today, Tuesday, March 4, my Learn English with Pictures site is being featured on Cool Site of the Day. It will appear for 1 day only (Tuesday).
Please visit:
and rate my site on a scale of 1 to 10.
A 10 is the highest - if you think my site (and me) deserve it. If you have 1 spare minute today, please visit the address above and vote for my site. You can vote only once from your computer, during a given period of hours.
For those that voted already and would like to visit the site directly, the site address is:
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:08 AM
Labels: coolsiteoftheday, educational resources, EFL, English, ESl