Wednesday, July 24, 2024

JR Links Update

Hi Everyone!

I added the following links to:

Youtube Jewish Educational Channels

* Uncle Yossi's Grand Story Collection - playlist of 47 videos
* Living Lchaim
* Hebrew Songs for Kids - playlist of 20 videos
* Children Stories in Hebrew - playlist of 25 videos
* MeirTV
* USC Shoah Foundation

Internet Resources

* Google Activity Log
* My Google Groups
* Google Alerts
* Google Maps

Facebook Groups

* Phone & Internet Support for Anglos in Israel
* Yedidim - Hebrew
* Yad Sarah - Hebrew
* Jedlab Shuk
* Jewish Humor Plus
* The Laughing Librarian
* Cartoons and Jokes
* Science Humor
* Kindness Humor
* I Remember the 1970s
* 1980s Memories

Volunteering in Israel

* Kachol Balev
* Baby Food People's Bank - Hebrew
* EVP: 'Make A Soldier Smile'
* Adopt a Safta
* One Family
* Pantry Packers
* Tachlit
* Magen David Adom - Overseas Volunteers Program
* United Hatzalah

Aliyah Forums

* The Aliyah Support Group
* Israel Communities Info for Anglo Olim
* Anglo Support Network in Israel
* Aliyah Network - Kochav Yisrael

Israel Gas and Electric Companies

* Kamaze - Compare Prices of New Electric Suppliers - Hebrew
* Israel Electric Company - English
* Pazgas Electric - Hebrew
* Bezeq Energy - Hebrew
* Electra Power - Hebrew
* Partner Power - Hebrew
* Hot Energy - Hebrew
* Cellcom Energy - Hebrew
* Amisragas Electric - Hebrew - opens with video / audio

Jerusalem Facebook Groups

* Olim of Jerusalem
* Jerusalem Pictures

Youtube Technology Channels

* The Impossible Build - Mega Projects, Innovation, Construction
* Progress - Tech Science Documentaries
* UltiumTech
Something for everyone.

Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Have a good day!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Photos of the Ma'ale Adumim Library Happening

Hi Everyone!

Today, there was a library happening in front of
the cultural center in Kikar Yahalom.
I posted photos at:
Enjoy the photos. Please share. Thank you!

Tomorrow is the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz and the beginning of
the three weeks till Tish'a b'Av.
I posted educational resources about the 3 weeks and Tisha B'Av at:

May we see the rebuilding of the Temple in our days and that
Tisha B'Av becomes a day of celebration.

If you are fasting tomorrow:
Have a meaningful fast.

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Have a good night,

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Only in Israel - The Jerusalem Shoe Store

Hi Everyone!

Today, Sunday July 21, I went to Jerusalem to buy shoes.
While buying shoes, I learned something interesting about the shoe store.
Enjoy the posting.
Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Have a good week!
Shavua Tov!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

JR Update: Toys and Games Nostalgia - 1960s -1970s, additions to Israel Photo Gallery, Clever Humor, 4 Youtube Playlists

Hi Everyone!

With all the tension in Israel and around the world,
I decided to continue to update the entertainment sections of my site.
May the additions bring a smile to your face.

I created a new page "Toys and Games Nostalgia"
Pre-Internet Toys and Games from the 1960s and 1970s
There are 60 items listed and my guess is that many readers
will enjoy the memories.

I updated the Israel Photo Gallery
* Israel Watermelon Map
* This Coin was minted 1954 years ago...
* No Matter How Deep you Dig...
* My Heart is with Israel

Added Clever Humor items to:

* I Put Together a Puzzle in 1 Day
* Chocolate is Vital for our Survival
* Don't Tell Secrets in the Garden
* Car Dashboard Symbols and Meanings

I added 4 JR Youtube Playlists page at:

Shalom Aleichem
18 unique videos of the traditional Jewish song welcoming the Shabbat.
Artists include:
* Soul Key Choir
* Yeshiva Darchei Torah Choir
* The Shuk
* Itzik Kala
* Gilad Potolsky and the Shalhevet Orchestra
* Shlock Rock
* Avraham Fried Live
* Klezmer Band Music
* Shalva Band
and more.....

Lecha Dodi
32 unique videos of the traditional Jewish song welcoming the Shabbat.
Artists include:
* Shabbat Song Project
* Rabbi Shmulik Moscowitz
* Duo Reim
* Maccabeats
* Gadi Finegold
* Shlock Rock
* Oorah
* Hazzanim Ari Litvak and Norman Cohen Falah
* Six13
* Itzik Eshel
* The Gat Brothers
* Yonina
* Muzika
* Moshav
and more.....

Israeli Flash Mob Videos
17 unique videos including:
* Hevenu Shalom Alehem /Jerusalem Academy flashmob for Taglit at Ben Gurion Airport
* Here Comes the Sun, Flash Mob at Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem
* Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital
* Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Flash Mob in Jerusalem
* Nefesh B'Nefesh Hanukkah Flash Mob
* Marsh Dondurma Flash Mob
* Suddenly Jerusalem Flashmob
and more...

Happy Videos
* Pharrell Williams - Happy in Jerusalem
* Happy Purim
* Adon Olam / Happy Pharrell Williams cover by Listen Up! A Cappella - m&f
* Israeli soldiers dancing to 'because I'm happy'
* Happy Efrat
* Happy Gush Etzion
* Happy Beit Shemesh
* Happy Nachlaot
* Happy Ulpan-Or Jerusalem
* Happy - Pharrell Williams and Jewish Care Victoria
* Happy - Project Lamroth Hakol in Buenos Aires
* Happy - Akron Shaw JCC in Ohio
* YaChad - Mishenichnas Adar - Happy | Yeshiva College Adar & Purim
* Happy - Pharrell Williams - featuring Minions

Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Shabbat Shalom!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Updated: JR Youtube Playlists

Hi Everyone!

It is hot outside, so I stayed indoors and
I updated the JR Youtube Playlists page at:

I added the following new playlists:

Romantic Comedy Movie Songs
* Kate & Leopold - Until...
* Heaven Can Wait
* Ever After - 'Summer Rain'
* Arthur's Theme* - Best That You Can Do Musical Fun
* "Say a Little Prayer" - My Best Friend's Wedding
* Sleepless In Seattle - When I Fall In Love
* Pretty Woman - Fallen
* Serendipity - When You Know
* You've Got Mail - Butterflies In the Subway

Musical Fun
* Indiana Jones Marble Music
* Mission Impossible Marble Music
* Pipe Dream
* Longest Melody Played By A Model Train - Guinness World Records
* Typewriter
* Beethoven, Symphony 5, 1st movement
* "Resonant Chamber"
* Stick Figures - Animusic
* Wintergatan - Marble Machine - music instrument using 2000 marbles
* Line Riders - "Les Toreadors" from Carmen - with animation

I also added selections to:

The Flinstones Theme
* Hebrew theme song
* Yiddish theme Song

Funny Clips, Songs, Parodies
* Hollywood Squares Moment "Country with the most Jews"
Original uncut scene - February 23, 1968
* Squirrel fakes own death
* Hamster Call
* Classic Pepsi vs Coke. Funny TV Commercial: Italian Mafia Girl
* Taxi - Jim the Salesman
* I Love Lucy English Pronunciation
* The REAL Reason People Shop Online
* Ed Ames Teaches Johnny Carson to Throw a Tomahawk
* Jewish Duracell

Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Shabbat Shalom!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Updated: JR Links - 90 Topics: Over 1,600 Useful Links

Hi Everyone!

I updated JR Links: 90 topics with over 1,600 Useful Links:

90 Topics include:

* English News
* Hebrew News
* Hebrew Radio
* Youtube Israel News Channels
* Podcasts
* Technology Podcasts
* Jewish Resources
* Jewish Holidays and Calendar
* Parsha Pages
* Jewish Prayers
* Kashrut / Kosher
* Jewish Food
* Facebook Jewish Food Groups
* Jewish News
* Jewish Magazines
* Hebrew Magazines
* Youtube Jewish Educational Channels
* Youtube Jewish Music Channels
* Hebrew Songs
* Hebrew Songs - Shabbat Zemirot
* Hebrew Songs - Jerusalem
* Hebrew Songs - Tu B'Shvat
* Hebrew Songs - Purim
* Hebrew Songs - Passover
* Hebrew Songs - Rosh Hashana
* Hebrew Songs - Chanukah
* English Music Videos
* Hebrew Resources
* Yiddish Resources
* Windows Resources
* Internet Resources
* Social Networks
* Youtube
* Facebook
* Facebook Groups
* Whatsapp
* Twitter / X
* Linkedin
* Spotify
* Telegram
* Instagram
* Israel Community Mailing Lists
* Israel Emergency Pages
* Israel Medical
* Volunteering in Israel
* Aliyah Oriented Sites
* Tips and Advice: Videos about Aliyah to Israel
* Aliyah Forums - to ask questions
* Gemachim in Israel
* Israel Government
* Israel Banks
* Israel Business
* Israel Car Rental
* Israel Gas and Electric Companies
* Israel Mobile Phone Carriers
* Israel Postal Services
* Israel Job Websites
* Israel Corporate Job Websites
* Israel Shopping - Comparison Pricing Sites
* Israel Shopping - Food Shopping
* Israel Shopping - Pharmacies / Drug Stores
* Israel Shopping - Electrical Appliances
* Israel Shopping - Computers
* Israel Shopping - Furniture
* Israel Shopping - Toys and Games
* Israel Shopping - Books Stores / Publishers
* Israel Shopping - Buy Blue and White Websites
* Jerusalem
* Jerusalem Events
* Jerusalem Facebook Groups
* Maps of Jerusalem
* Maps of Israel
* Israel Museums
* Israel Parks and Natural Reserves
* Israel Zoos and Aquariums
* Literature
* Free Audio Books
* Free Youtube Read Aloud Channels
* English Writing Resources
* Entertainment
* Comics / Humor
* Live Cameras
* Live Cameras - Hula Lake, Israel
* Photos
* Animals and Insects
* Youtube Animals
* Science
* Science Magazines
* Assorted Magazines
* Youtube Technology Channels
* Youtube Aviation Channels
* My Personal Recommendations
Something for everyone.

Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Have a good day!