Thursday, January 30, 2025

New: Learn Hebrew Words - Tu B'Shvat

Hi Everyone!

I added many new topics to the Learn Hebrew Words pages at:

The Tu B'Shvat page has 102 words and terms
with English transliterations and translations

The Learn Hebrew Words pages are unique from other dictionary
pages I created in the past. Each topic is one long page and formatted
for easy viewing and scrolling on computers, tablets or cell phones.
My other sites presented the text in graphic format. This site
uses text characters. The Hebrew with nikud and English text
can be copied and pasted into other applications like word processors,
email, Whatsapp, etc...
Note: These pages are not formatted for printing.
If you want to print formatted study sheets you can visit:
My English Hebrew Dictionary at:

Below are the current subjects of Learn Hebrew Words:

Jewish Calendar
Rosh Hashana
Tu B'Shvat

Lag Ba'Omer


Best Wishes
Food: Beverages
Food: Cooking and Baking - 190 words/terms
Food: Fruit
Food: Label - nutrional info
Food: Meatv Food: Nuts
Food: Spices
Food: Vegetables
Renting an Apartment

Jewish Proverbs and Sayings
Israeli Sayings
Hebrew Riddles
Hebrew Tongue Twisters

I plan to add several new subjects soon.

Feedback is welcome!
Please share. Thank You!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Chodesh Tov and Shabbat Shalom! Jacob

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Educational Resources for International Holocaust Remembrance Day - January 27


International Holocaust Remembrance Day is January 27.

On my website, there are 170+ links to learn about the Holocaust.
Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German,
Italian, Russian, and Spanish.

Since I created the page in 1997, I have been updating it
at least 2 times a year: before International Holocaust 
Remembrance Day - January 27 and before 
Yom HaShoah - this year on April 24, 2025.
If a site is no longer online, I try to find an archive copy of
the site in

Over 21 years ago, in September 2003, IAF jets flew over Auschwitz
to commemorate holocaust victims. Images and a video of the
event are posted at:

Please share this message. Thank you.

We must not forget.

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Shavua Tov,

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Large JR Update

Hi Everyone!

Here are recent updates to my site.

New Hebrew song page:
Kama Tov Shebata Habayta
How Good is it That You Came Home

I translated to English an interesting article about
a large IDF project in the Negev:
The New Intelligence Center
by Elyashiv Raichner

I added five new playlists to my Youtube page:

New JR Links:

Parsha pages
- Chabad: The Complete Tanach with Rashi - Hebrew and English

- United Hatzalah: Masters of Emergency
- Chana Studley: The Mind Body Institute
- Monday Motivation with Lesley Kaplan

Technology Podcasts
- Popular Science: The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week

- Sheva Brachot

Jewish Food
- Buzzfeed: Americans Try Israeli Snacks
- Buzzfeed: Americans Try Israeli Food For The First Time
- Israeli Supermarket Tour
- Their First Ever Taste of Israeli Snacks!

Youtube Jewish Educational Channels - "Midrash on every Parsha: 6-8 minutes video summaries" v - Living Lchaim
- Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
- Video Tzevet - Hebrew

A;iyah Oriented Sites
- Ministry of Aliyah and Integration: The First Days in Israel
- VAT and Import Deposit Fee Calculator
- Driver's Ed Practice Questions & Road Signs
- iHerb Coupon Finder

Tips and Advice: Videos about Aliyah to Israel
- NBN Youtube Webinars
- Olim Advisors Youtube Webinars
- Jerusalem Unplugged podcast about Olim for Olim
- Tamar Meisels: Groceries in Israel
- Tamar Meisels: Israel, personal development, family tips and cooking.

Israel Emergency Pages
- JR Backup Tutorial
- Your Google Drive Phone & Whatsapp Backups
- Google Takeout: Export your Google Data
- Backup your phone contacts

Youtube Technology Channels
- Wonder Documentaries
- The Impossible Build - Mega Projects, Innovation, Construction
- Progress - Tech Science Documentaries
- UltiumTech
- Free Documentary - Engineering
- Morning Brew
- Interesting Engineering
- Bloomberg Originals
- Billion Dollar Builds

Lost in Translation
Hebrew to English funny translation mistakes
119 - Pull
118 - Entry of Animals is Prohibited

Happy Chanukah from the Mossad

Jewish Cartoons from around the Net
- First Time at a Bat Mitzvah
- Advice from a Matzo Ball
- The Challigator!
- What is your Pickle Personality?

Old Tech Humor
- Just for the Record
- Texting in the '80s
- You Might Be Old If...

Clever Humor
- Quotes of Steven Wright
- Library Humor
- Boo-Boo
- Fitness Protection Program
- Funny English Contradictions
v Enjoy!
Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Stay Safe and Warm.
Shabbat Shalom!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Jewish Trivia Quiz Update and Hebrew Language Day

Hi Everyone!

Over the past 2 weeks, I added 54 Torah parshas with
3,150 questions to the free Jewish Trivia Quiz site:

Today, the quiz has 71 topics with 4,184 multiple choice questions.

Topics include: Entertainment, Food, Israel - General,
Israel - Jerusalem, Israel - Places,
Jewish Holidays: Chanukah, Purim, Passover,
Rosh Hashana/Yom Kippur, Shavuot, Sukkot, Tu B'Shvat
Jewish Inventors and Innovations, Jewish Women, Rabbis,
Shabbat, Sports, 54 Torah Parshas.

Each topic has 2 levels of questions:
level 1 questions are geared to young students and
level 2 questions are geared to older students and adults.
You can choose your level of play and timer settings.
Choose 10 or 25 questions per quiz.

There is a print option if you want print your own customized quiz.

The site lets you share questions with your friends.
On back of which Israeli coin, in use today, is a picture
of the temple candelabrum ?
You can share this question directly with the link:

What is the main ingredient of falafel?
You can share this question directly with the link:v

There are social media buttons to share the quiz
or questions on social networks.
Feedback is welcome!
Hebrew Language Day is an Israeli national holiday
celebrated annually on the 21st of the Hebrew month of Tevet
This year it falls on January 21, 2025.

I updated the free resources to learn Hebrew at:

Please share these resources. Thank You!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Stay Safe and Warm.
Have a good day.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Learn Hebrew Words - Winter Vocabulary

Hi Everyone!

Do you know the Hebrew words for:
blanket, blizzard, boots, cloudy, coat, cold, cough,
fireplace, floods, flu, fog, frozen, gloves, hail, hat,
ice, insulation, rain, scarf, shovel, ski lift, slippery,
snow, snowball, snowplow, socks, soup, storm,
umbrella, wind, wintry?

Start learning 83 winter related words at:

Please share. Thank You!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Stay Safe and Warm.
Have a good night.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Updated: Backup Tutorial and Emergency / Important Israel Phone Numbers

Hi Everyone!

I found an old charger and I was able to charge / revive my
5 year old phone. Thank you to everyone that emailed me with
suggestions. I immediately did a Samsung and Whatsapp backup
to Google drive.
The charging now takes a long time and does not last long. At least I did not
lose anything and I switched my backups from weekly to daily while
I wait for my new phone. After doing more research, and with help,
I decided to order a Samsung A25.

When was the last time you backed up
your important files on your computer, tablet, smart phone?
What would happen if you lost or broke your smart phone?
Do you have a current backup of Whatsapp, your photos, videos
and contact / address phone?
Spend a few minutes doing backups to avoid big problems.

Today, I revised my backup tutorial at:

How to backup your Facebook, Gmail, Linkedin accounts, Whatsapp,
browser bookmarks, phone contacts, photos, videos and more...
Do not wait till it is too late. Backup Today!

I also updated my Israel Emergency and Important Phone Numbers at:

Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Shabbat Shalom!