Hi Everyone!
Congratulations and welcome home to the 210 new olim that made aliyah to Israel from North America. The aliyah charter flight arrived in Israel on Wednesday morning and included 40 children in 41 families, 81 singles, and 13 IDF Soldiers. The youngest oleh in the group is 2 months old and the oldest oleh is 86 years old.
I took 400 photos of the exciting, historic event and I posted them online at:
I also posted the 400 photos on Facebook for name tagging. There are two sets of photos and you can access the albums via:
If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the photos or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a good day,
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Welcome Home to the New Olim (and 400 photos)
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:27 AM
Labels: "Ben-Gurion Airport", aliyah, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, nbn, Nefesh B'Nefesh, olah, oleh, Olim, photographs, photos, Yisrael, Zionism
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New Website: My Hebrew Programs
Hi Everyone!
I created a new website called:
My Hebrew Programs
This new site includes updated versions of two useful programs.
The Hebrew Sign Maker
Print Hebrew signs without Hebrew support. There are 11 fonts and two sizes to choose from. There are two special script trace fonts that will help your students learn how to write Hebrew script.
In Memory Of
When you visit a Jewish grave site, it is a Jewish tradition to read selected Tehillim (Book of Psalms). There are fixed verses and special verses that are read for each letter of the person's name. The special verses are called "Otiyot Neshama". The program also includes an option to print a transliterated and translated English version of the mourners' Kaddish.
Please share this new educational resource with friends, relatives and co-workers. Thank You!
As always, feedback is welcome!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:09 PM
Labels: educational, educational resources, Hebrew, Hebrew Sign Maker, In Memory Of, Ivrit, Kaddish, virtual keyboard
Monday, December 21, 2009
I highly recommend the book: Start-up Nation
Hi Everyone!
Every fews years I buy a book that turns out to be a great read. I just finished the new book: Start-up Nation. The book is about Israel's economic miracle. You can watch an CNBC video about the book at:
I highly recommend buying and reading the book. If you can not get the book at your local bookstore, there is a link on the page to buy the book online.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:08 PM
Labels: book, economics, Israel, Start-up Nation, Yisrael
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
171 Chanukah Videos including these new ones....
Hi Everyone!
There are now 171 Cool Chanukah Videos listed at:
The updated list includes:
- Gord Lindsay: Chanuka Funicula
- Chanuka 2009 Beit Krakow, Poland
- Chanuka em Curitiba 2009
- Chaverim - Ma'oz Tzur
- 2009 Major League Dreidel at Full Circle Bar
- YUAcapella Maccabeats Chanuka 2009
- The Mama Doni' Band's "Chanukah Fever"
- Episode 1: Hanukkah Special - Dreidel
- Episode 27: Hanukkah Special - The Auto Menorah
- Kindergarten Song Practice for Chanukah Party
- Belz Chanukah Lighting in Jerusalem
- Chanukah Lighting - Trip to Poland group
- Chanukah 5770 - Philadelphia Annual March of Lights
- Menorah Lighting on Clearwater Beach
- New Ma'oz Tzur Tune
- HaRav Zev Leff Lighting the Menorah
- 2H Productions - Al Hanissim
- Shloime Daskal - Al Hanisim
- CNN: Matisyahu lights up
- Menorahs - NJN News
- Hanukkah With A Chinese Twist
- Go Latkes 2009 Hanukkah Champions
- Chabad Naples Chanukah Menorah Lighting - 12/13/09
and many more....
Happy Chanukah!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Only in Israel: 21 Chanukah Hebrew Ads
Hi Everyone!
I just scanned and posted online
21 Chanukah Hebrew Advertisements.
Only in Israel!
Happy Chanukah!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:31 PM
Labels: advertisements, chanukah, Chanukka, Hanukka, Hebrew
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My Hebrew Songbook - Chanukah Songs
Hi Everyone!
Just in time for Chanukah, My Hebrew Songbook is back and now has its own domain and website.
Enter the songbook and choose the category Chanukah. You can view any song online or create printed song sheets with several songs together for a sing along. All Hebrew is graphic so you do not need Hebrew support to view or print the songs. All songs include Hebrew nikud (vowels).
You will find the popular Chanukah songs here (Sivivon, Maoz Tzur, Al Hanisim, Yemay Hanukah, etc...) but also songs that you may have forgotten from many years ago.
Feedback is welcome.
In addition to the Chanukah songs, I updated the following pages:
144 Cool Chanukah Videos on YouTube:
21 Chanukah Humor Files
145 Chanukah Resource Sites
Happy Chanukah!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:41 PM
Photos of the Jerusalem Demonstration
Hi Everyone!
Tonight (December 9), I was at the demonstration to stop the settlement freeze. The demonstration took place at Kikar Paris in Jerusalem. I took photos and posted them online at:
Please forward this message to anyone that may be interested.
Thank you.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:36 PM
Labels: demonstration, Israel, Jerusalem, photographs, photos, rally, Yehuda and Shomron, Yerushalayim, Yesha
Monday, November 30, 2009
Chanukah Educational Resources and New Chanukah Clipart
Hi Everyone!
Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is observed for eight days, beginning on the evening of the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. This year Chanukah starts
before sundown, Friday, December 11, 2009. Chanukah candles are lit before the Shabbat Candles.
Chanukah is a wonderful holiday of renewed dedication, faith, hope and spiritual light. It's a holiday that says: "Never lose hope." Chanukah commemorates the victory of a small band of Maccabees over the pagan Syrian-Greeks who ruled over Israel.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
What does the Hebrew word Chanukah mean ?
What type of foods do we specificaly eat on Chanukah ?
What activities are forbidden during Chanukah ?
Are woman obligated to light the menorah ?
How many candles do we need for all of Chanukah ?
Which family was Judah the Maccabee from ?
How many branches did the menorah in the temple have ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings. Both kids and adults will find it educational and enjoyable.
Free Chanukah Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Chanukah announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in
three different sizes. There are 49 Chanukah images including new Chanukah Party Invitations
Cool Chanukah Videos
I created a list of 134 (yes 134!) Cool Chanukah video links.
There is something for everyone.
To learn more about Chanukah, I posted on my website 140 site links, ranging from from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian.
All 140 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends,
so they may benefit from these holiday resources. Thanks!
Happy Chanukah!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:16 AM
Labels: chanukah, Chanukka, Dreidel, educational, Hanukka, Jewish Holiday, sufaganiyot, sufganiot
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
New Israeli Educational Stamps Posted Online
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in November 2009. I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Maritime Archeology in Israel
- Lighthouses in Israel
- The Yiddish Theatre in Iasi, Romania (1876)
The new stamps are located at:
The top of the web page should display the date November 25, 2009. If the page has an older date, hold the control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser with the updated page.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:34 AM
Labels: Israeli Stamps, lighthouses, maritime Archeology, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting, stamps, Yiddish Theater, Yiddish Theatre
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Virtual Chanukah Party on Facebook
Hi Everyone!
You are cordially invited to my first Virtual Chanukah Party on Facebook.
No entrance fee and you may bring all your friends.
The virtual address:
See you online.
Chodesh Tov - Have a good month,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:12 AM
Labels: chanukah, chanukah party, Chanukka, Facebook, Hanukka, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, virtual Chanukah party
Sunday, November 15, 2009
115 Cool Chanukah YouTube Videos
Hi Everyone!
I created a list of 115 cool Chanukah YouTube videos.
There is something for everyone.
The list includes:
Adam Sandler's - The Chanukah Song
Kenny Ellis sings his hit single Swingin' Dreidel
I Had a Little Dreidl - Bagel Blvd Chanuka Edition
Left to Right - Michelle Citrin
Captain Smartypants sings Dreidel
The Funky Gold Menorah by The Mama Doni Band
Chabad: Chanukah Around the World
Light Up - Moshe Skier Band
Poway Chanukah: Yes, We Can!
Nefesh B'Nefesh: Modern Day Miracles
Birthright: Light em Up
Hanukkah Bird (animation and song)
My Menorah - The knack is back! (animation and song)
Ahmedinijad admits he is addicted!
Eli Yazpan, Hanukkah (in Hebrew)
Jewlarious: he Miracle on 42nd Street
Benji Lovitt: Happy Chanukkah from Jerusalem!
Meshugga Beach Party - Oh Hanukkah
"First Time Lighting" - with Matisyahu, Nosson Zand
Al Hanisim - Six13 @ Chabad Chanukah Telethon
Hannukah Song Texas Style
Oy Cappella - Adam Sandler Chanukah Song
Voices of Liberty singing O Hannukah
Aish: Just Jew It - True Chanuka Story
Chana Zelda
"The Latke Song" by Debbie Friedman
How to play Chanukah Dredyl
LeeVees - Latke Clan
Gerber Folk Skewer The Dreidel Song
The Eight Nights of Hanukkah, as told by Jewish celebrities
Purim Homintaschen vs. Hannukah Latke debate
Feed Me Bubbe - Latkes
Mabat "Live" report on Hanukkah
and many more.....
The address is:
An Early Happy Chanukah!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:47 PM
Labels: Adam Sandler, chanukah, Chanukka, dreidl, festival of lights, Hanukka, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, latkes, sivivon, The Chanukah Song
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Israel Going Green
Hi Everyone!
Jonathan Medved was interviewed on CNBC
about Israel Going Green.
You can watch the clip at:
Great PR for Israel.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:04 PM
Labels: geothermal energy, green, greentech, Israel, Solar, Solar Energy
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
90 Jewish and Israeli Twitter Lists
Hi Everyone!
A few weeks ago, Twitter announced a new feature designed to make it easier for users to group the people they follow by organizing them into lists.
I created a new hotsites page which features 90 Jewish and Israeli Twitter lists that you can review and follow. The address is:
Feedback and additions are welcome.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:57 PM
Labels: Israel, Israeli, Jewish, twitter, twitter lists
Monday, November 2, 2009
Photos of the Torah Dedication at the Maalot David Shul
Hi Everyone!
Tonight, November 2, I participated in the Torah dedication
at the Maalot David Shul in Ma'ale Adumim.
I took 170 photos of the dedication and posted them online at:
Enjoy the photos.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:08 PM
Labels: Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, Maalot David Shul, photos, Torah, Torah dedication
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jerusalem Restaurant Cards - Past and Present
Hi Everyone!
For the past several years, when I visited a restaurant in Jerusalem,
I usually take a business card of the restaurant. This week I decided
to scan the cards and post them on the Internet.
The address is:
I also uploaded a copy the cards to Facebook where you can leave
comments about your favorite Jerusalem restaurant.
The Facbook address is:
Enjoy the memories.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:21 PM
Labels: Israel, Jerusalem, restaurant, restaurants, Yerushalayim
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Noach Page
Hi Everyone!
I created on my website a new section for timely topics.
The first topic I added to the new section is called:
The Noach Page
The Noach Page has links to children parsha pages, commentary pages, humor items (including the Bill Cosby Noach skit) and a section on Noach stamps, graphics and clipart.
The address is:
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:00 PM
Labels: "noah's ark", ark, flood, Noach, Parsha
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Photos of Second Hakafot
Hi Everyone!
Tonight (Saturday night after chag in Israel) I took photos of
the second hakafot at S'deh Chemed in Ma'aleh Adumim.
I posted 238 photos on my website at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the
top of your keyboard for a full page view.
Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
I also posted 198 of the 238 photos on Facebook for
name tagging. You can acces the Facebook Hakafot album via:
Enjoy the photos.
Shavua Tov - Have a Good Week,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:16 PM
Labels: Jewish, Judaism, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, second hakafot
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Congratulations to Ada Yonath: First Israeli Woman to Win a Nobel
Hi Everyone!
Today, Israeli scientist Ada Yonath, a leading researcher in the structural biology field, was awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry.
I posted articles and photos of this historic event at:
Please forward this message.
Thank you.
Have a joyous Sukkot.
Moadim L'Simcha,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:30 AM
Labels: chemsitry, Israel, nobel, nobel prize, Yisrael
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Educational Resources for Sukkot
Hi Everyone!
Sukkot is the Jewish holiday that commemorates how protective "Clouds of Glory" surrounded the Jewish people after leaving Egypt during the forty years of wandering in the desert. It also commemorates how the Jews lived in temporary dwellings during that same time.
Sukkot begins Friday night, October 2, 2009.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has 35 multiple choice questions about Sukkot.
What is the Hebrew date of the first day of Sukkot ?
What is another name for the Sukkot holiday ?
What does Sukkot commemorate ?
What is the minimum area of a Sukkah as defined in the Talmud ?
What is the maximum height of a Sukkah ?
What does the Aramaic word "Ushpizin" mean ?
Who gets called to the Torah reading on Simchat Torah ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions, two timer settings.Both kids and adults will find it enjoyable.
Free Sukkot Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC Sukkot announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.
Sukkot Cool Videos
I created a list of 24 cool Sukkot video links.
There is something for everyone.
The list includes:
Sukkot Preparations
Speed Sukkah
The Sukkot Shake (in Jerusalem)
Big Etrog
13 reasons to build a Sukkah
Learn How to Make A Lulav Ring In 25 Seconds
Chabad UCSB Lulav Shake
Frumsatire: Sukkos Thoughts
Shlomo Carlebach - Hoshana Raba
Ushpizin - movie trailer
Sukkot in Israel
and many others.....
To learn more about Sukkot, I posted on my website 62 site links, ranging from from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian.
All 62 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
Happy Sukkot!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:08 PM
Labels: etrog, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, lulav, Simchat Torah, succot, Sukah, Sukkot
Friday, September 25, 2009
Benjamin Netanyahu United Nations Speech
Hi Everyone!
On Thursday, September 24, 2009, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech to the United Nations General Assembly.
The speech was excellent and I think it is very important that everyone should watch and/or read it.
I posted online links to the 3 part video of the speech and the transcript at:
I also created a short address for the page at:
Please share the page with everyone. Thanks!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:37 AM
Labels: Holocaust, iran, Israel, Netanyahu, speech, un, united nations, Yisrael
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
2000 Year Old Mikveh Discovered Near Western Wall
Hi Everyone!
A large and impressive mikveh (ritual bath) from the end of the Second Temple period was recently uncovered in archaeological excavations that the Israel Antiquities Authority is carrying out in the Western Wall tunnels.
I posted photos of the discovery at:
Shana Tova and G'mar Hatimah Tova,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:20 PM
Labels: Jerusalem, kotel, mikve, mikveh, miqve, ritual bath, western wall, Yerushalayim
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Jewish Holiday Calendar Card (magnet version)
Hi Everyone!
Tomorrow morning, my Jewish Holiday Calendar Card (magnet version) will be available, for free, at these locations:
In Ma'ale Adumim:
Nusach Achid shul (Klei Shir)
Mussar Avicha shul (Klei Shir)
Maalot David shul (Mitzpe Nevo)
The "Up" shul (Mitzpe Nevo)
Chalav Udvash - health food store (Kikar Yahalom)
In Jerusalem:
AACI - 11 Pinsker Street
In Tel-Aviv:
AACI Central - 76 Ibn Gvirol
I also dropped off today, a small quantity, at the front desk of the OU Israel Center - 22 Keren HaYesod, Jerusalem
If you do not live in these areas, you can still print the online version (minus the magnet) located at:
Chag Sameach!
Shana Tova!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:29 AM
Labels: calendar, Jewish, Jewish calendar, Jewish Holiday, Judaism
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Photos of the Jewish Bloggers Convention
Hi Everyone!
Today, September 13, 2009, I participated in the International Jewish Bloggers Convention in Jerusalem. It was great seeing in person all the people I met on the Internet.
I posted 178 photos of the convention online at:
The 178 photos have, also, been uploaded to Facebook for name tagging. You can access the Facebook album at:
At the convention I gave a workshop about marketing on Facebook. For those that missed it, the presentation is available online at:
Enjoy the photos and presentation.
Shana Tova,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:13 PM
Labels: Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish, Jewish Bloggers, jewish bloggers convention, Jewish Blogs, Yerushalayim
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Bar-Kochba Rebellion Treasures
Hi Everyone!
The largest-ever known number of coins from the time of Bar Kochba, the Jewish leader against Roman invaders, has been discovered in the Judean Hills by cave researchers from Hebrew and Bar-Ilan universities.
The research team found three batches of bronze, silver and gold coins (total of 120 coins) in a deep cavern in a nature reserve. Pottery and weapons also were discovered.
The cavern was used as a hiding place for Jewish rebels during the Bar Kochba rebellion over 1,900 years ago.
I posted photos of the discovery at:
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:40 AM
Labels: ba-kochba, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Jewish, Jewish History, treasures
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Welcome Home to the New Olim (and 307 photos)
Hi Everyone!
On Tuesday morning, September 8, 2009, I was at Ben-Gurion airport to greet the new olim that made aliyah from North America to Israel.
There were 204 olim on the flight including 81 singles.
I took 307 photos of the exciting event and posted them online at:
During the welcoming ceremony there was an unexpected marriage proposal. See photos 7192-7201
The 307 photos have, also, been uploaded to Facebook for name tagging. There are two sets of photos and you can access the albums via:
If you have a Facebook account, and you are in the photos, or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a good day,
and Shana Tova,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:49 AM
Labels: aliyah, immigrants, immigration, Israel, olah, oleh, Olim, Yisrael, Zionism
Monday, September 7, 2009
Photos of the Mevaseret Adumim (E1) Groundbreaking Ceremony
Hi Everyone!
Today, September 7, 2009, I attended the groundbreaking cemermony for Mevaseret Adumim. Hundreds of people, including ministers, MKs and Yesha Council heads attended the historical event.
I took photos and posted them online at:
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:36 PM
Labels: Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, photos, Yisrael
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Rosh Hashana Stickers on Facebook
Hi Everyone!
I added a group of Rosh Hashana stickers to my Facebook application "Send Jewish Stickers"
This is a unique, free application to wish all your Facebook friends a Shana Tova.
Feedback is welcome!
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:24 AM
Labels: Facebook, Facebook Application, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, Jewish stickers, Judaism, Rosh Hashana, shana tova
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Trivia Quiz, Educational Resources and Cool Videos for the Jewish New Year
Hi Everyone!
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year 5770,
begins Friday night, September 18, 2009.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has 55 multiple choice questions about Rosh Hashana.
Which special prayer is said in the days before Rosh Hashana ?
Which group of foods is customary to eat on Rosh Hashana ?
What are the other three names of Rosh Hashana ?
How many times is the shofar sounded during Rosh Hashana ?
Which food is customary NOT to eat on Rosh Hashana ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
Rosh Hashana Clipart
Whether you need a picture for your child's class project, a graphic for your synagogue, Hillel or JCC New Year announcement, the Jewish Clipart Database has the pictures for you. You can copy, save and print the graphics in three different sizes.
Rosh Hashana Cool Videos
I created a list of 84 cool Rosh HaShana videos.
There is something for everyone.
The list includes:
Shana tova! Ma chadash, Tapuach Im Dvash Animation
Shana Tova (Hebrew remix of muppets song)
The Four Traditional Shofar Blasts
Rosh Hashanah Girl
Shana Tova from Tijuana
Rosh Hashana: Sticky 'n Sweet New Year
Happy New Year for Jewish Mothers
Head of the Year (Rosh HaShana Mix)
Rosh Hashana Rap
Prepare for Rosh Hashanah-Elul JewU
WebYeshiva: Blowing the Shofar in Elul
Rosh HaShana Foods - Sephardi style
Shana Tova Song - Parpar Nechmad (with Ofra Haza)
Bashana Haba'ah - Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme
Bashana Haba'a in Yiddish
The Alexandria Kleztet - Bashana Haba'a (from Chile)
Kol Ish - BaShana HaBa'ah
and many more.....
To learn more about Rosh Hashana , I posted on my website 84 links ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portugese, Russian and Spanish. All 84 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
Last but not least, the revised 3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar is located at:
For best printed results use the Acrobat PDF file. When printing the PDF file use the print option "fit to print margins".
Please share this message with your friends and relatives.
Shana Tova - Have a Good Year!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:35 PM
Labels: Holiday, hotsites, Jewish, Jewish clipart, Jewish Holiday, jr hotsites, Judaism, Rosh Hashana, shana tova, videos, wejew, YouTube
Sunday, August 30, 2009
25 Years in Israel
Hi Everyone!
25 years ago (August 30, 1984) I made aliyah to Israel. It was the best decision of my life and I highly recommend it.
Over the past 25 years many historical events have taken place in Israel. I made a list of the events that left an impression on me and I posted them at:
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a great day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:28 PM
Labels: aliyah, Eretz Yisrael, Israel, olah, oleh, Olim, Yisrael
Monday, August 24, 2009
30 YouTube Videos of Adon Olam
Hi Everyone!
I collected links to 30 different YouTube videos featuring the song Adon Olam. The address is:
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:41 PM
Labels: adon olam, Jewish, Jewish Videos, videos, YouTube
Tel Aviv and the Center - Employment Fair 2009
Hi Everyone!
I posted this announcement on the CJI Facebook page at:
Below is the announcement for those not on Facebook.
Thanks to NBN for the English translation.
The original Hebrew announcement is located at:
Tel Aviv and the Center- Employment Fair 2009
Ministry of Immigration, Tel Aviv/Jafo are happy to invite you to the 2009 employment fair in Tel Aviv and the Center to promote new immigrants to return to the job market.
The employment fair will be on Tuesday, September 8th from 12:00-17:00pm at the "Ganie Hatarocha (the Event Park)", Bitan 20, in Tel Aviv.
Hundreds of job places will be at the fair, including the following fields:
- Programming
- Lab work in the field of life sciences
- Language teachers
- Customer Service and Sales
- Mechanical Work
- CNC, Factory and Technicians
- Chefs and Food Service
- Industry and Management, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, Structural, and Electrical Engineers
- Construction and Building
- warehouse
- administration
- Hotel and Guest services
- Plus more!
From cities between Netanya and Ashdod there may be free transportation.
For transportation and private inquiries, please contact:
Tel Aviv, Miriam 03-5209171
03-5023107 Holon, Osnat
Kfar Saba and Netanya, Avi 09-8890307
Petach Tikvah, Zimrah 03-9123006
03-6337666 (Rishon L'Tzion Esther)
08-8546004 Ashdod, Aliza
Alternative Modes of Transportation:
From the Central Bus Station in Tel Aviv: free shuttle every half hour to the event, from Levinsky street, next to Gate #3 between 11:30 and `15:00.
Israel Railways: get off at the "Tel Aviv University" event center: www.israrail.org.il ,
Egged: 521 www.egged.co.il
Dan: 47, 48, 28, www.dan.co.il
Note: Please bring a Teudat Zehuat and your copies of your resume
Free entry
For more information:
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:42 AM
Labels: cji, computer jobs in Israel, employment, Israel, job fair, Jobs
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Welcome Home to the New Olim (and 453 photos)
Hi Everyone!
On Wednesday morning, August 19, 2009, I was at Ben-Gurion airport to greet the new olim that made aliyah from North America to Israel.
There were 366 olim on the flight including 61 singles (including 22 joining the IDF) and 67 families with 168 children.
The youngest oleh in the group is 7 weeks old and the oldest oleh is 88 years old. The flight also included 6 dogs and 1 turtle.
I took 453 pictures of the exciting event and I posted them online at:
I also posted the 453 photos on Facebook for name tagging.
There are three sets of photos and you can access the albums via:
If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the photos or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the photos.
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:13 PM
Labels: "Ben-Gurion Airport", aliyah, immigrants, immigration, Israel, olah, oleh, Olim, welcome home, Yisrael, Zionism
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
New Israeli Educational Stamps Posted Online
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that will be issued in September 2009. I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Festivals 2009 - Honey in Israel
- Animal Assisted Therapy
- 75 Years of the Leumit Health Fund
- Virtual Communication
Instant Messaging Software
USB Flash Drive
Voice Over Internet Protocol
The new stamps are located at:
The top of the web page should display the date August 18, 2009. If the page has an older date, hold the control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser with the updated page.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:46 PM
Labels: honey, instant messaging software, Israel, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting, USB Flash Drive, virtual communication, Voice over Internet Protocol, Yisrael
Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) now has a Facebook page
Hi Everyone!
The CJI website and online mailing list were created in June 1993.
Today I created a CJI Facebook page at:
I plan (B"H) to update this CJI fan page with postings that go beyond the bi-weekly report. This may include company job announcements and feedback / interaction with CJI readers. I welcome you to join this fan page.
Please share this fan page with your friends.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:53 AM
Labels: cji, computer jobs, computer jobs in Israel, employment, Facebook, Israel, Jobs, work, Yisrael
Monday, August 17, 2009
Photos of the Emek Refaim Street Fair in Jerusalem
Hi Everyone!
On Monday afternoon, August 17, 2009, I went to the Emek Refaim Street Fair in Jerusalem. It was very nice and I took 185 photos.
I posted them online at:
I also posted the photos on Facebook for name tagging.
You can access the street fair album via:
Enjoy the photos and have a good day.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:26 PM
Labels: Emek Refaim, German Colony, Jerusalem, photographs, photos, street fair, Yerushalayim
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Photos of Ma'ale Adumim's Dog Day
Hi Everyone!
Thursday, August 13, 2009 was the first ever Dog Day in Ma'ale Adumim. The event took place in Central Park near Kikar Yahalom and included a best dog contest.
I took over 300 photos at the event and posted them online at:
I also posted the photos on Facebook for name tagging.
You can access the Dog Day albums via:
Enjoy the photos and
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:01 PM
Labels: dog, dog day, dogs, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, photographs, photos
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Movie Quotes added to The Jewish Wisdom Database
Hi Everyone!
Today I added a new topic to the Jewish Wisdom Database.
The new topic is called "movie quotes" and it includes quotes from:
- The Frisco Kid
- Fiddler on the Roof
- Crossing Delancey
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Exodus
- Cast a Giant Shadow
- Defiance
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
The Jewish Wisdom database lets you search over 3,000 Jewish proverbs, sayings and quotations. The quotations in the database range from the serious to the humorous.
Authors include: The Talmud, The Bible, Proverbs, Psalms, Maimonides, The Chofetz Chaim, Albert Einstein, Elie Wiesel, David Ben-Gurion, Arthur Miller, Sigmund Freud, Golda Meir, Achad Ha'am, Chaim Nachman Bialik, Henry Kissinger, Rodney Dangerfield, Groucho Marx, Milton Berle, Phyllis Diller, Mel Brooks, Ann Landers, George Burns, Fran Lebowitz, Henry Youngman, Gilda Radner, Jackie Mason, Jerry Seinfeld and many more.
The address is:
There is also a Facebook fan page and application at:
Enjoy the site and have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:03 AM
Labels: "Jewish Wisdom", bible, Israel, Jewish, Judaism, proverbs, quotations, sayings, Talmud, Torah, wisdom
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Welcome Home to the New Olim (and 322 pictures)
Hi Everyone!
On Tuesday morning, August 4, 2009, I was at Ben-Gurion airport to greet the new olim that made aliyah from North America to Israel.
There were 238 olim on the flight including 63 singles (55 joining the IDF) and 36 families with 113 children.
The youngest oleh in the group is 3 months old and the oldest oleh is 75 years old. The flight also included 4 dogs and
3 cats.
I took 322 pictures of the exciting event and I posted them online at:
I also posted the 322 pictures on Facebook for name tagging. There are two sets of pictures and they are both located in my Facebook photo section at:
If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the pictures or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the pictures.
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Enjoy the pictures and have a good day,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
List of 1,575 Jewish and Israeli Facebook Groups and Fan Pages
Hi Everyone!
I just completed an update of the list of Jewish and Israeli groups and fan pages on Facebook.
There are now 1,575 listings at:
To make browsing this large list easier, I divided the list into 37 sections.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Please forward this unique resource to your Facebook friends.
Thank you.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:52 AM
Labels: educational resources, Facebook, Internet, Israel, Israeli, Jewish, social network
Monday, July 27, 2009
Online Educational Resources about Tisha B'Av
Tisha B'Av is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar because of the incredible series of tragedies which occurred on that date throughout Jewish History.
Tisha B'Av means "the ninth (day) of the Hebrew month of Av." Tisha B'Av primarily commemorates the destruction of the first and second Temples, both of which were destroyed on the ninth of Av (the first by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E.; the second by the Romans in 70 C.E.).
Although this day is primarily meant to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, it is appropriate to consider on this day the many other tragedies of the Jewish people, many of which occurred on this day, most notably the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.
You can learn more about this Jewish fast day (July 30, 2009) at:
May we see the rebuilding of the Temple in our days and that Tisha B'Av becomes a day of celebration.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:20 AM
Labels: "Tisha B'Av", Fast, Jerusalem, Jewish, Temple, Yerushalayim
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Jewish Holiday Calendar Card
Hi Everyone!
I created a new, three year, Jewish holiday calendar card which I posted on my website for you to view, download or print.
The address is:
There are two image sizes and an Acrobat PDF file.
For best printed results use the Acrobat PDF file. When printing the PDF file use the print option "fit to print margins".
If you live in Ma'ale Adumim or the Jerusalem area, the free, laminated, magnetic version of the calendar card should be available at the end of August.
Please share this message with your relatives and friends.
Thank you.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:48 AM
Labels: calendar, chagim, Holiday, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, luach, Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashana, Shavuot, Sukkot
Monday, July 20, 2009
Uploaded New Learn Hebrew Video - In the Kitchen
Hi Everyone!
I uploaded a new Learn Hebrew video to the Internet. The topic of the new video is: In the kitchen.
The 25 words in the learn Hebrew video include:
bowl, cup, dishwasher, fork, frying pan, funnel, glass, hot plate, kettle, knife, ladle, napkin, microwave oven, oven, paper towel, pitcher, plate, pot, refrigerator, rolling pin, sink, spoon, strainer, table, towel
The address is:
The updated page also contains past videos that I uploaded.
Feedback is welcome.
Please share this message with anyone that may be interested in learning Hebrew. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Thursday, July 9, 2009
New Facebook Album: History of Israel and the Jewish People
Hi Everyone!
Today I created a new Facebook album called:
History of Israel and the Jewish People
I added 10 pictures to it and I hope to add more.
Suggestions are welcome.
If you are currently fasting - have a meaningful fast.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:49 AM
Labels: Facebook, Israel, Jewish, Jewish History, maps, Yisrael
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Welcome Home to the New Olim (and pictures)
Hi Everyone!
On Tuesday morning, July 7, 2009, I was at Ben-Gurion airport to greet the new olim that made aliyah from North America to Israel.
There were 232 olim on the flight including 60 singles (including 22 joining the IDF) and 42 families with 93 children.
The youngest oleh in the group is 7 weeks old and the oldest oleh is 83 years old. The flight also included 7 dogs and 1 cat.
I took 294 pictures of the exciting event and I posted them online at:
I also posted the 294 pictures on Facebook for name tagging.There are two sets of pictures.
Click Here for the Facebook Pictures
If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the pictures or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the pictures.
May the aliyah from all over of the world grow and bring more Jews back to their homeland, Eretz Yisrael.
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:27 AM
Labels: "Ben-Gurion Airport", airport, aliyah, immigrants, immigration, Israel, Jewish, olah, oleh, Olim, pictures, Yisrael, Zionism
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Israeli Grows World’s Longest Cucumber
Hi Everyone!
Petah Tikva resident Yitzhak Yazdanpana has set the new world record for growing the longest cucumber.
Check it out at:
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:59 PM
Labels: agriculture, cucumber, Israel, Israeli, longest cucumber, vegetable
Thursday, June 25, 2009
New Israeli Educational Stamps Posted Online
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps
that were issued in June 2009.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover,
and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Quality of the Environment
Global Warming
Geothermal Energy
Solar Energy
- The Dead Sea
- 50 Years - The International Harp Contest in Israel
- 18th Maccabiah
- Love
The new stamps are located at:
The top of the web page should display the date June 25, 2009.
If the page has an older date, hold the control key and press
the F5 key to refresh your browser with the updated page.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:11 PM
Labels: Dead Sea, geothermal energy, global warming, Harp contest, Israel, Israeli Stamps, love, Maccabiah, philatelic, Philately, solar power, stamp collecting, stamps, Yisrael
Please Help Gilad Shalit
Hi Everyone!
Today (Thursday, June 25, 2009) Twitters around the world started a grassroots campaign to push the issue of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit's captivity to the top of the Internet world using the social networking mini-blog site.
Twitters will use the hashtag #Gilad to remind the world that Shalit's condition and whereabouts remain unknown after three years in the hands of the Hamas terrorists who kidnapped him. A hashtag is a label that Tweeters add to their messages to categorize them and make them more accessible and popular.
If you have a Twiiter account (free), please send out a Tweet today about #Gilad Shalit.
If you want examples of how easy it is to do, you can look at my own tweets today at:
You can see how others around the world are tweeting about Gilad by entering #Gilad in the Twitter search box.
“Whoever saves a single life is as if one saves the entire world.” - Talmud
Thank you!
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:29 AM
Labels: captive, freedom, Gaza, Gilad, Gilad Shalit, Hamas, human rights, prisoner, twitter
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hi Everyone!
Today's hotsites update contains many new additions in
the Twitter section. For your convenience I added the
direct web address to each section.
Israel: Jerusalem
-- Large new sub-section of Jerusalem pictures on Flickr
-- Gush Katif Museum
Israel: Shopping
-- 42 - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books (in English)
Jewish: Blogs
-- The Jewish Joy of Sex
-- Shabbat and Holidays Menus and Ideas
-- Going Home - Making the Dream Come True
-- Life after 9/11 - Come Back Home With Me
-- Marian Lebor's blog
-- Rachel Rising: My Aliyah Adventure
-- Divest This
-- Love of the Land
Jewish - Facebook Groups - Jewish - Inspiration
-- Torah
-- Partners in Torah
Jewish: Facebook - Groups - Jewish / Israeli - Fan Club Pages
-- Caroline Glick
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Israel Causes
-- I'm against destroying outposts in Israel (Hebrew)
-- I Support PM Netanyahu & FM Lieberman
Saying "NO" To Land For Peace
-- Im Tirtzu - Bringing Zionism Back To Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Israel Cities
-- Maale Adumim English Speakers
Facebook Groups - Israel - I Visited or Plan to Visit Israel
-- Home Exchange Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Israel Media
-- Directory for bloggers in Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Israel - Sports
-- Tora Dojo Israel (Karate)
-- Paintball Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Israel - Support
-- Pastors for Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Jerusalem
-- KCSX - The Katamon Chicken Soup Express
-- Gush Katif Museum - Jerusalem
-- Fun in Jerusalem
-- Hi Tech Jobs in Jerusalem, Web Design, Programmers, etc
-- Janglo
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Jewish Causes
-- Jewish Policy Center
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Jewish and Israeli Music
-- I Love Hadag Nachash
-- NOA - (Achinoam Nini) Official Facebook Group
-- Yonatan Razel
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Jewish Inspiration
-- Tehillim, Daily
-- PresenTense Magazine
-- Beit Hamikdash
Jewish: Facebook Groups - Keeping Kosher / Kosher Cooking / Restaurants / Food
-- Shabbos / Shabbat mains and sides
-- Shabbos / Shabbat salad recipes
Jewish: Facebook Groups - New York -- Fire Island Minyan
Jewish / Israeli - Radio / Podcasts / TV
-- FrumTube
-- WeJew Video
Jewish: Torah Online
-- Torah Place - index of Divrei Torah (Parsha)
-- Daily Tehilim
Social Media: Twitter
-- The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools
-- Twittermail - E-mail to Twitter
-- Twitpic - Share Photos on Twitter
-- Twithority - Twitter Search by Authority
-- Twithority - Israel
-- Twithority - Jewish
-- Twittercounter - Top 100 most followed Twitter users
-- Twittercounter - Top 100 most followed Jerusalem / Israel Twitter users
-- Congressional 140 - US Legislators who use Twitter
-- Twitter Customer Service - List of Stores on Twitter
-- US Universities on Twitter
-- 85 Comedians to Follow on Twitter
-- Globes - Israel Financial News (Hebrew)
-- Channel Two News (Hebrew)
-- News 10 (Hebrew)
-- Jewish events
-- JWeekly - North California
-- Ask Moses
-- Jerusalem Online
-- Azure Online
-- Jewish TV Network
-- Haaretz (Hebrew)
-- CNN Breaking News
-- Tech Crunch
-- BBC Breaking News
-- The Marker Tech (Hebrew)
-- The Marker (Hebrew)
-- Los Angeles Jewish Journal
-- Jobs in Israel
-- Manpower Israel (Hebrew)
-- Hever Israel (Hebrew)
-- Matisyahu
-- Yideotube
-- WeJew Video Sharing
-- Jewish Book
-- Kosher Eye
-- YWN - Yeshiva World News
-- Torah Study
-- Efrat Chat (using Twitter Mail)
-- Jewish Daily Forward
-- Stand with Us
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:28 PM
Labels: educational resources, Facebook, hotsites, Israel, Jewish, jr hotsites, twitter, Yisrael
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pictures of the Ma'ale Adumim Anglo Forum
Hi Everyone!
Tonight was the summer kickoff of the Ma'ale Adumim Anglo Forum. I took pictures of the event and posted them online at:
Enjoy the pictures.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:43 PM
Labels: Israel, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, photographs, pictures, Yesha, Yisrael
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Pictures of Jerusalem on Flickr
Hi Everyone!
I created a new section on my Jerusalem hotsites page for pictures of Jerusalem on Flickr
The address is:
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:48 AM
Labels: flickr, hotsites, Israel, Jerusalem, pictures, Yerushalayim, Yisrael
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hebrew Tongue Twisters
Hi Everyone!
I created a new section on my website called
Hebrew Tongue Twisters
There are 3 pages of Hebrew tongue twisters and a Hebrew tongue twister story. The Hebrew text includes nikud [vowels]. There is also an English translation for each Hebrew tongue twister.
Feedback is welcome!
Shavua Tov - Have a good week,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:45 PM
Labels: educational resources, Hebrew, Ivrit, k-12, k12, language, Learn Hebrew, tongue twisters
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pictures of the Salute to Israel Parade
Hi Everyone!
Steven Posner (thanks!) sent me pictures of the New York City Salute to Israel Parade which took place on Sunday, May 31, 2009.
The theme of the parade was:
Tel Aviv @ 100 - Celebrating the Centennial of Tel Aviv!
I posted the pictures on my website at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
Enjoy the pictures!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
7:11 AM
Labels: Israel, parade, salute to Israel parade, Yisrael
TAU Job Fair - June 3, 2009
Hi Everyone!
Tomorrow, June 3, 2009, Tel-Aviv University is having its 29th annual job fair. This is one of the largest annual job fairs in the country.
The job fair is for students and graduates but is also open to the general public (I just verified that on the phone). There are 90 companies registered for booths at the fair.
I would recommend bringing with you a teudat zehut card or other picture id card and getting there early. Bring plenty of copies of your updated resume.
The job fair will take place on the Tel-Aviv university campus.
Date: June 3, 2009
Time: 10:00 to 18:00
Additional details are available on the job fair website (in Hebrew) at:
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:39 AM
Labels: employment, Israel, job fair, Jobs, Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
JR Hotsites Update
Hi Everyone!
Today's hotsites update contains many new additions in the Jewish Blogs, Facebook and Twitter sections. For your convenience I added the direct web address to each section.
Israel: Shopping
-- Holy Land Cakes
Jewish: Blogs
-- The TakeAway @ JTS Library
-- Jewish Thought of the Day
-- Jewish Breaking News
-- Frumhacks
-- The Rebbetzin's Husband
-- Tzvee's Talmudic Blog
-- West Bank Mama
-- A Time of the Signs
-- Jewish Clips and Videos
-- A Mother in Israel
-- Going Home -- Making the Dream Come True
-- Matt / Moshe is Making Aliyah
Jewish: Books
-- Hebrew-Books.com
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Aliyah to Israel
-- California to Israel Aliyah
-- I'm making Aliyah with Nefesh B'Nefesh
-- Nefesh b'Nefesh - NBN July 6th, 2009 Flight
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Israel Cities
-- New Jersey/Delaware & Arad/Tamar Partnership 2000
-- Yerucham
-- Miami/Yerucham Partnership
-- Dimona on the Map
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Israel Jerusalem
-- Yad Vashem : Holocaust Memorial Jerusalem
-- Bloomfield Science Museum - Jerusalem
-- Israel Museum - Jerusalem
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Israel Sports
-- 18th Maccabiah Games - Summer 2009
-- iFly Israel
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Jews Around the World
-- JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Keeping Kosher / Kosher Cooking / Restaurants / Food
-- Koshering the Doughboy
-- Tov Pizza Fan Club (Baltimore)
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Mixed Bag
-- Who would you like to meet from Jewish History ?
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Jewish and Israeli Music
-- Famous Jewish Musicians
Jewish: Facebook Groups: Support / Love of Israel
-- Israeli Defenders
-- Support Israel
-- MidEastTruth.com
-- We love the Land, People and God of Israel!
Jewish: Mailing Lists
-- Rishon Letzion Bat Yam Holon
-- Even Yehuda and Area
-- Ra'anana (changed address)
-- Netanya (changed address)
Jewish: Music
-- Klingon Klezmer
Pictures: News Pictures
-- Pixcetera Pictures of the Week
-- MSNBC: The Week in Pictures Archive
-- UPI: Week in Pictures
-- The Week in Pictures on Yahoo! News
-- AOL Pictures of the Week
-- BBC News: In Pictures
-- Guardian: 24 Hours in Pictures
-- Telegraph: Week in Pictures
-- Life Magazine Today in News
-- Telegraph Earth Picture Galleries
-- National Geographic Photos in the News
Social Media: Articles
-- How to Get a Professional Corporate Blogging Job
Social Media: Twitter
-- Training Video - How to Use Twitter
-- Twitter Handbook for Teachers
-- Twitter Tips: for Teachers & Educators
-- O'Reilly Webcast: Twitter for Business (1 hour)
-- The top 7 mistakes new Twitter users make
-- Ten Twitter Mythconceptions
-- The truth about Twitter
-- TweetMeme - Popular Links on Twitter
-- 100+ of the Best Authors on Twitter
-- 85 Comedians to Follow on Twitter
-- Twellow - Twitter Yellow Pages
-- Twellow - Search Israel
-- Twellow - Search Jerusalem
-- Twellow - Search Jewish
-- Tweepz - search, find and discover interesting people
-- Tweepz - Jerusalem
-- Tweepz - Adumim (Maale, Ma'ale Adumim)
-- JBN - Jewish Breaking News
-- Arutz Sheva Briefs
-- Israel21c
-- Israel_News
-- Jewish Day School (Seattle)
-- Jewish World Review
-- World Jewsh Daily
-- Jew Tube
-- Yiddish News
-- Birthright Israel NEXT
-- The Jewish Agency
-- Canadian Jewish News (CJN)
-- Kosher Jerusalem
-- Kashrut News
Direct access to the JR Hotsites index:
Feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Have a Happy Shavuot,
Chag Sameach,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:20 AM
Labels: educational resources, Facebook, Facebook groups, hotsites, Jewish, Jewish Bloggers, Jewish Blogs, jr hotsites, twitter, Yisrael
Monday, May 25, 2009
Trivia Quiz, Videos and Educational Resources about Shavuot
Hi Everyone!
Shavuot is the Jewish holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah, the first harvest, and the ripening of the first fruits. The two day festival (1 day in Israel) begins on Thursday night, May 28, 2009.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has a selection of multiple choice questions about Shavuot.
What are the five names of Shavuot ?
On what mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments ?
How many letters are there in the Torah ?
In the days of the Temple what did people do on Shavuot ?
Who married Ruth ?
Who was Ruth the great-grandmother of ?
What is the connection between the number 7 and Shavuot ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
To learn more about Shavuot, I have posted on my website 66 links, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and German. All 66 links have been reviewed and checked this week.
The web address is:
This year I added a new Shavuot section to my YouTube Video sections. Enjoy the videos at:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
Have a Happy Shavuot!
Chag Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:14 AM
Labels: educational, educational resources, Jerusalem, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, jewish trivia quiz, Judaism, k-12, k12, Shavuot, Torah, videos, YouTube
Friday, May 22, 2009
New Stamps Honoring Israeli Music Artists
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps that were issued in April 2009. I included the stamp itself, the first day cover, and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Israeli Music (12 stamps)
Ofra Haza, Uzi Hitman, Arik Lavie, Ehud Manor
Zohar Argov, Sasha Argov, Meir Ariel, Yossi Banai
Shoshana Damari, Moshe Wilensky, Yair Rosenblum, Naomi Shemer
- Memorial Day 2009
- Polish Year in Israel - Souvenir Sheet
- International Year of Astronomy 2009
The new stamps are located at:
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
6:18 AM
Labels: Ehud Manor, Israel, Israeli music, Naomi Shemer, Ofra Haza, philatelic, Philately, stamp collecting, stamps, Uzi Hitman, Yisrael, Yossi Banai
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Pictures of the Jerusalem Day Flag March
Hi Everyone!
Today I took pictures of the Jerusalem Day Flag March. The celebrations and march started on King George Street, and then went down Agron Street and into the Old City.
I arrived at the Kotel around 7:30pm. When I left at 8:30pm the Kotel plaza was overflowing with people and thousands continued to arrive as I walked out of the Old City.
I posted 252 pictures at:
I also copied 136 of the 252 pictures to Facebook for name tagging. The Facebook address is:
If you have a Facebook acccount and you are in the pictures or see someone you know, please feel free to name tag the pictures.
Enjoy the pictures.
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
5:08 PM
Labels: capital of Israel, flag day, flags, Israel, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Day Flag March, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, radar system, Yerushalayim, Yisrael, Yom Yerushalayim
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Uploaded a New Learn Hebrew Video - Clothing and Accessories
Hi Everyone!
I uploaded a new Learn Hebrew video to the Internet. The topic of the new video is Clothing and Accessories.
The address is:
The updated page also contains past videos that I uploaded.
Feedback is welcome.
Please forward this message to anyone that may be interested in learning Hebrew. Thank you!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:26 PM
Labels: clothing, education, educational, Hebrew, Ivrit, language, language video, Learn Hebrew, linguistics, video, videos, YouTube
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Trivia Quiz and Educational Resources about Jerusalem
Hi Everyone!
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on the 28th of the Hebrew month of Iyar. This year (5769 / 2009) the day falls on Friday, May 22nd. To avoid conflict with Shabbat, celebrations will take place on Thursday, May 21st.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz
has over 100 multiple choice questions about Jerusalem.
Who built the first temple ?
How many people were involved in constructing the first temple ?
What are the colors of the Jerusalem Beitar soccer team ?
Which animal is on the emblem of the Municipality of Jerusalem ?
What three Jewish holidays is Jerusalem the focal point ?
How long ago was Jerusalem established ?
On what mountain was King David buried ?
How high is Jerusalem above sea level ?
What is the name of the famous art school in Jerusalem ?
What is the length of the wall surrounding the old city ?
When was Hebrew University established ?
Which group defended Jerusalem in 1948 ?
How many open gates does the old city of Jerusalem have ?
What is the name of the largest shopping mall in Jerusalem ?
Who was the first mayor of Jerusalem ?
What was Jerusalem called in the days of Abraham our patriarch ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
To learn more about Jerusalem, I have posted on my website 172 links, ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps. All 172 links have been reviewed and checked this week.
The web address is:
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:30 PM
Labels: educational, educational resources, Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, jewish trivia quiz, k-12, k12, Yerushalayim
Monday, May 4, 2009
Educational websites about Lag Ba'Omer
Hi Everyone!
The Jewish festival "Lag Ba'Omer" is Tuesday, May 12, 2009. If you are flying over Israel on Monday night (11th) and you look down out of your plane, you will see thousands of bonfires dotting the landscape as far as the eye can see. There are various customs and explanations for these celebrations.
I posted on my website 38 links to learn about "Lag Ba'Omer".
All 38 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
Enjoy the bonfires!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:38 PM
Labels: Israel, Jewish Holiday, Lag B'Omer, Lag Ba'omer, Lag BaOmer, Yisrael
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pictures of Yom Haatzmaut in Ma'ale Adumim
Hi Everyone!
Today, April 29, 2009 was Israel Independence Day.
I took pictures of the celebration picnics and the IDF exhibition in the valley near the entrance to Ma'ale Adumim.
I posted the pictures online at:
Enjoy the pictures.
Happy 61st Birthday Israel.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
3:20 PM
Labels: IDF, Israel, Israel's 61st birthday, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, photographs, pictures, yom ha'atzmaut
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Educational Resources and Cool Videos for Israel Independence Day
Hi Everyone!
Israel Independence Day is celebrated this year on Wednesday, April 29, 2009.
I posted on my website 102 links about Israel, ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps.
All 102 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
I gathered links to 85 cool YouTube videos about Israel.
Enjoy the videos at:
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
Happy Israel Independence Day!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:17 AM
Labels: 61st birthday, educational resources, Israel, Israel Independence Day, Jewish Holiday, video, videos, Yisrael, yom ha'atzmaut, YouTube
Sunday, April 19, 2009
167 Educational Websites about the Holocaust
Holocaust Remembrance Day is Tuesday, April 21, 2009. I posted on my website 167 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. All 167 links have been reviewed / checked this week.
The web address is:
The top of the page should display the 2009 date. If the page has an older date, hold the control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser with the updated page.
Please forward this message to relatives and friends, so they may benefit from these educational resources.
We must not forget.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:23 PM
Labels: educational resources, Holocaust, Jewish, k-12, k12, memorial, remember, Remembrance Day, Shoa, Shoah, Yom Hashoa Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day Israel
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Pictures of Birkat Hachama
Hi Everyone!
This morning, Nisan 14, 5769 - April 8, 2009, Jews around the world glanced at the sun and recited the blessing on the sun called Birkat HaChama.
I took pictures on top of the roof of the Nusach Achid shul in Ma'ale Adumim and then at the gathering in the S'deh Chemed school yard. I posted the pictures at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
May everyone have a Happy Passover!
Chag Sameach!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
11:33 PM
Labels: Birkat Hachama, blessing, Jewish, Ma'ale Adumim, Maale Adumim, sun
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Birkat Hachama Blessing and Educational Resources
Hi Everyone!
On April 8, 2009, the eve of Passover, Jews around the world will rise early, glance at the sun and recite the least-frequently-recited blessing in Judaism: Birkat HaChama, the blessing on the sun. We recite this blessing once every 28 years.
I created a resource page with links to articles and videos about Birkat HaChama. The address is:
Happy Passover,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:41 AM
Labels: Birkat Hachama, blessing, educational, educational resources, Jewish, sun, YouTube
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Passover Humor Files
Hi Everyone!
My Passover humor section has over 50 Passover humor files. They range from funny jokes and stories to song parodies. You may want to print several of them before Passover and distribute copies to your family and guests between the seder meal courses. Both kids and adults will find them entertaining (and sometimes educational).
The humor files are located at:
The files include:
- The Computer Engineer's Haggadah
- The Dr. Seuss 4 questions
- An Adam Sandler Passover
- Seder Pickup Lines
- Halachik Issues for Peisach
- Exodus of the 3 Stooges
- Passover Story by The New York Times
- Passover Song (tune of "Hotel California")
- Passover Songs (Beatles Paradoy)
- The Plague Song (tune of "This Old Man” )
- Pharaoh, Pharaoh (tune of "Louie, Louie")
- Pesach Macarena (tune of "Macarena")
- Those Were the Plagues (tune of "Those Were the Days")
- The Ten Plagues (tune of "Adams Family")
- Too Much Passover Cleaning (10 pictures)
- Link to: A Facebook Haggadah
and many more...
Happy Passover,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
10:11 AM
Labels: funny, humor, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, jokes, parodies, Passover, Pesach
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Pictures of A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Hi Everyone!
Today I attended the A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony at Eshkol Hapayis in Ma'ale Adumim.
You can view the pictures at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
Congratulations to everyone that participated in the readathon.
Have a good night,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:50 PM
Labels: book, books, educational, English, Israel, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, readathon
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Only in Israel....Educational Sugar Packets
Hi Everyone!
Two days ago I had dinner with a friend in a restaurant on Emek Refaim street in Jerusalem. While we were waiting for our meals, my friend told me to look at the sugar packets on the table. I picked two of them up and looked at them. One had a picture of Theodor Herzl on it and the other had a picture of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. The backs had a brief biography of these modern Israeli historical individuals.
I decided to scan these unique sugar packets and put the pictures on my website at:
After 24 years in Israel, I am still amazed at the nice little surprises that one finds in the least expected places.
Chodesh Tov,
Shabbat Shalom,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:17 PM
Labels: educational, Israel, Jerusalem, restaurant, sugar packets, Theodor Herzl, Yerushalayim, Yisrael, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Zionism
Monday, March 23, 2009
Israel's Water Technology Exports Double
Hi Everyone!
Amid all the negative news about the economy, I thought the following article was worth passing around. In my opinion, there are at least four industries that Israel can increase its exports dramaticly in the near future:
solar energy, water technology, agriculture technologies and bio-sciences. Below is a recent article on the status of water technology exports.
Enjoy the good news.
Shavau Tov,
Water technology exports double
Local water know-how and technology is exported to more than 100 countries worldwide.
by Merav Ankori22
March 22, 2009
Israel has become an internationally acknowledged global leader in water solutions demonstrating that there is a positive aspect to the water shortages that the country has suffered from for many years.
The country's water technologies industry is enjoying growing demand for its conservation, savings, management and production solutions. Local water know-how and technology is exported to more than 100 countries worldwide.
The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute reports that water technology exports totaled $1.4 billion in 2008 - double the 2005 amount. The global water market is worth $400 billion annually and is expected to rise to $537 billion next year.
To mark International Water Day, the Export Institute published figures about the country's water technologies industry. There are 250 companies in the sector of which 200 export their products. 50 companies in the sector are defined as start-ups.
The areas of activity in which these companies are involved are: water management systems; safety and security for water sources; irrigation management systems; desalination; water recycling and purification; and others.
Israel is ranked first in the world in recycling water for agriculture. 75% of sewage is recycled for agriculture with Spain, ranked second in the world, recycling 12% of its sewage for agriculture.
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:13 AM
Labels: exports, Hi-tech, International Water Day, Israel, solar water heaters, water technology, Yisrael
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
152 Passover Educational Hotsites and 80 Cool Passover YouTube Videos
Hi Everyone!
Passover is a Jewish holiday, of Biblical origin, marking the birth of the Jews as a people and their emergence as a unique nation in history, devoted to G-d's will. It celebrates the liberation of the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt over 3000 years ago, under the leadership of Moses.
This year Passover begins on Wednesday night, April 8, 2009.
I posted on my website 152 links about Passover, ranging from laws and customs to games and recipes. Site languages include English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian and German.
All 152 links have been reviewed / checked.
The web address is:
I gathered links to 80 cool Passover videos on YouTube.
Enjoy the videos at:
Please forward this message to family and friends, so they may benefit from these holiday resources.
An early Happy Passover!
Posted by
Jacob Richman
12:36 AM
Labels: educational resources, Holiday, hotsites, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, jr hotsites, Judaism, k-12, k12, Passover, Pesach, video, videos, website development, YouTube
Sunday, March 15, 2009
New Israeli Educational Stamps Posted Online
Hi Everyone!
I scanned and posted on my website the new Israeli stamps
that were issued in February 2009.
I included the stamp itself, the first day cover,
and an English and a Hebrew flyer about the stamp.
- Fruits of Israel
- The Tel Aviv Centennial
- Extreme Sport
The new stamps are located at:
Shavua Tov - Have a good week ,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
4:31 PM
Labels: extreme sport, fruit, Israel, Israeli Stamp, Israeli Stamps, philatelic, Philately, pictures, sport, stamp collecting, stamps, Tel Aviv, Yisrael
Pictures of the Dedication of the Maalot David Shul in Ma'ale Adumim
Hi Everyone!
Today (Sunday, March 15) a new shul was opened in Ma'ale Adumim. Maalot David, located at the entrance to Mitzpe Nevo, was dedicated in memory of the soldier David (Didi) Cohen z"l.
I took pictures of the ceremony and posted them online at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
May the prayers and torah classes that fill the new Beit Knesset continuously elevate David's soul.
Shavua Tov,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
2:26 PM
Labels: beit knesset, David Didi Cohen, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, shul, synagogue
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Pictures of Purim in Ma'ale Adumim
Hi Everyone!
On Purim (Tuesday, March 10) I took 210 pictures of Purim events in Ma'ale Adumim.
I posted the pictures online at:
When the first page comes up, press the F11 key on the top of your keyboard for a full page view. Use the icon buttons on the bottom of each page to navigate.
Enjoy the pictures!
Have a good day,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
1:20 PM
Labels: Eretz Yisrael, Israel, Jewish, Jewish Holiday, Judaism, Ma'ale Adumim, Ma'aleh Adumim, Maale Adumim, photographs, pictures, Purim
Saturday, March 7, 2009
CJI Salary Survey Results Posted Online
Hi Everyone!
I just posted on the Computer Jobs in Israel (CJI) website the results of the annual salary survey. 574 readers took part in the salary survey this year. Each person answered 24 questions about their salaries and their work benefits.
Thanks!! to everyone that participated.
The results are posted (in English and Hebrew) on the resource page at:
If you do not see March 8, 2009 on the top of the web page, hold the control key and press the F5 key to refresh your browser.
Have a Happy Purim,
Posted by
Jacob Richman
9:59 PM
Labels: cji, Computer, computer jobs, Hi-tech, Israel, salaries, salary survey, Yisrael