Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sukkot Update including Hotsites, Videos and Humor


Hi Everyone!

Here is the Sukkot update:

Educational Resources for Sukkot

includes a coloring pages section and these new PDF additions:

- Torah Tidbits: Sukkot Section - PDF, 12 pages

- Philo-Torah - Candle Lighting Text and Times - PDF, 2 pages

- Philo-Torah - Lulav & Etrog +2 - PDF, 2 pages

- Philo-Torah - Ushpizin - PDF, 2 pages

- Shabbat Shalom: Sukkot by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

...and many other resources.

English Hebrew Sukkot Vocabulary

Sukkot Songs on Spotify

Sukkot Videos including new videos for 5782:

Additional videos will be added this week.

Sukkot Humor Files:

- Ushpizin 5782

- When Ordering the 4 Minim from Ali Express

- Rules of the Sukkah - Dr. Seuss Style

- 32 Cool Edible Sukkot

- A New York Etrog

- Encamped in Sukkot

- It's Sukkot

- Succot Nights - Summer Nights Grease Parody

- All Shook Up - All Shook Up Elvis Parody

Please share these resources. Thank You!

Have a Safe and Happy Sukkot!

Chag Sukkot Sameach!


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