Thursday, August 22, 2024

Photos of New Olim and the Lego Exhibition - August 22, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Today, 60 more new olim landed this morning to make the
total for this week over 250.
Welcome Home!

Courtesy of NBN, I posted photos of this historic and exciting event at:

Today, I went to the one day Lego exhibition in Ma'ale Adumim.
I was amazed at the fine details of the exhibits.
I posted the photos at:

Enjoy the photos.
Please share. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Shabbat Shalom!

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