Tuesday, March 11, 2025

In memory of my father

Shalom Everyone!

Wednesday, the 12th of Adar, is my father's 35th yahrzeit.
Please put a few coins in any charity box in memory of:
Avraham Itzhak ben Yaakov Meir z"l
Thank you!

You can read an article I wrote in memory of my father at:

May his memory be for a blessing.

Updated: Educational and Fun Resources for Purim:

Updated: Over 750 Purim Videos:

Updated: Purim Photo Gallery

Please continue to pray for and support Israel.

May the wounded have a complete and speedy recovery.
May the hostages be freed now.
May God protect the IDF, the police, the security forces
and all of Am Yisrael.

Happy Purim!
Purim Sameach!

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